Plentiful Bounty - RPS J2, NC17 (one scene) MA15 rest

Feb 11, 2012 02:13

Author: stjra
Artist: a_dreamwithin
Fandom: CWRPS J2

Title: Plentiful Bounty

Rating: NC-17 (one scene) rest M for themes
Word Count: 29,400
Summary: It had been a tough year for Jared and Jensen. After years of trying they had finally realised their dream of having a family, only to have it shattered 5 months into Jensen’s pregnancy through the careless actions of another. Desperate to have their dream of a family of their own come true they both give IVF treatments one last try. One month later they are given the delightful news that Jared is pregnant with twins.

It’s an emotional time for them both and even though they both still mourn the loss of their child they are excited at the prospect of bringing their babies home from the hospital this time. Jensen does his best to look after Jared who is suffering terribly from morning sickness. The job is made difficult when it seems that Jensen is going out in sympathy with Jared. Soon the signs and symptoms are too much to ignore and Jensen gets the shock of his life when he finds out he’s pregnant with triplets.

How on earth is Jensen supposed to tell Jared that after all this time of IVF treatments, he has finally managed to conceive naturally and right after Jared has. How do you tell your pregnant and suffering husband that instead of 2 babies in 9 months, there will be 5?

Warnings: Mention of death of child pre-fic, rimming, graphic births, schmoop!

Link to Master Story Post: Lj fic journal and A03
Link to Master Art Post: Art for fic
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