Oct 20, 2004 18:25
Well, I've been doin' absolutley nothin' but work. I am fuckin' drained, for real.
I know this sounds really bitchy, but I'm not used to this. All my close friends know the only real time I've had a job were in the summers, and I dono..Summer jobs are different. I'm not used to this 8:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday shit. I love it though, I'm not complaining, and I LOVE having money, it's just REALLY wearin' me down, big time. The fact of that on top of workin' with snot nose, coughin' little kids every day has made me one very sick young woman!!! I've been on antibotics, they were working, and now my colds back, so now I'm on prescription cough medicine and I'm gonna go back to the doctor cuz I'm startin' to feel worse than last time!!
For example, last nite I walked in the door, didn't even eat dinner, and went to bed...at 5:30pm. I woke up this morning, at 7am. Yah, what the hell is that shit?!?!? hahah OK GRANNIE!!!!
I've totally been gettin outta the gym habit, and I don't wanna do that, because this happens EVERY time I set a goal for myself. So I'm draggin' my sick self there tonite. Go me. haha. THIS is going to be THE summer...the summer where I actually like how I look....it's gonna change my life...because when you feel good about yourself, others feel that energy and will like ya too!!! :)
I gotta few more subbin' jobs comin' up for Kindergarten and 1st grade, so that's hella exciting. On friday I'm babysittin' one of the teacher I work for, Katy's children...she has a daughter Emmye whose in 2nd grade, and Katy says she think's I'm SOOOO cool, that she's afraid to say hi to me..hahahaha. How cute is that?!? And she also has a 3 year old son, Martin, who they adopted from Korea! HE IS SOO FREAKIN' CUTE! Oh man, wicked excited bout that:)
We started the clubs after school and the Science Club was crazy on Monday. The boyz would not listen to me at all, they are SO ghetto, and Demetrius wants to take a field trip to NYC to see "all the pimps and hoes"...yea. They would not listen to me, and I was gettin' soo frustrated. I have the little kids tomorrow, hopefully that goes better. Amb had cooking today and I am her Aid on Wednesdays! How exciting is that! Amber, and me cooking with little babies!! Next week we're makin' Caramel Apples (mmmmmmmmmm I love), and on the last week they are gonna cook my Science Group dinner! Whatta great thing to have an "in" with the Cookin' teacher - My homegirl Ambino!
I haven't even really been doin' anything college-wise in a while, which is NOT good because time is flying by soooo fast and I need to get my shit in. I really need to do it but I'm so tired and worn out when I get home. I don't wanna do work! Dilemma's....lol.
It's all worth it though, because workin' with kids is the most rewarding job! Especially when you have kids sayin' they wish you were their mom!!! Awwww....
Ok, gonna go lay down and go to the gym...yep. Whatta great life I lead....
XoXo Maris <3