Homin Fanfic-Homin in the eyes of Kyu

Jan 13, 2013 11:23

I got the idea of writing this fanfic after seeing Beatle code2.
Though Changmin blatantly announced that Yunho and him no longer lived together, but he could not hide his expression when he listened to Yunho's stories. His expression was priceless (in my Homin lover's eyes looked like he was hanging to Yunho's every word..lol) and Yunho (expectedly) accidentally slipped out that they are still watching Beatle Code together...cute Yunho...

I don’t own TVXQ, SUJU. SM owns it.
This story is purely my fanfiction.
Them: What does Kyu think on Changmin and his feelings for Yunho

Kyuhyun had known Changmin since his schooldays. He knew that his friend was an introvert and quite a ‘nerd’ before he joined SM. He rather played PS games and read books rather than went out to hang out with friends in game center. He knew that Min never wanted to become a singer let alone an idol, Min’s dream was to become a sport reporter, which was not surprising because even though Min was a nerd, he was a nerd that was good in sports, quite a contradiction actually. Another thing that he knew was that aside from his family, Min was very very loyal to his best friends. He and Minho belonged to the last category, best friends.

What Kyu did not know for sure until lately was how to place Yunho in Changmin’s life. Everybody knew that Yunho and Changmin were like night and day. Changmin was famous for his snarky comments and blunt reply to his fans while Yunho was known for his cuteness and gentleness. The last one was an image that the public saw after the rebirth of TVXQ. Gone the old image of the strong and cool leader of TVXQ, replaced by the new image, the real Yunho actually, which as time went by the leader became wise and realized that the best way to face the fans was with honesty. And that started by showing his true self, needless to say the public fell in love with the real Yunho. As expected the man was oblivious on how cute he was when he showed his cluelessness or when he listened to Changmins’ curt remarks and accepted it with a sunny smile and fresh laughter adding to his already abundant charms.

Soon in the eyes of the fans, Yunho and Changmin became a couple instead of a duo. Even when the two of them denied, they still liked to romanticize things. To them Changmin appeared manlier and more mature every day, while Yunho looked more delicate and naïve. Changmin became the protective one while Yunho was the ‘damsel’ that needed to be protected. Changmin was the prince and Yunho became the princess, of course Yunho did not know any of these, if he knew he would have freaked out and went back to look for his old ‘image’. Things only calmed down a bit when they publicly announced that they now lived separately.

Though Kyu knew better, he was still confused on how to figure out what went on between the two. Sure he knew things which were going on off stage uncaught by cameras seen only by the closest of the couple’s friends. But he could not claim that he knew everything. True Changmin was the one that moved out of the dorm, still lately, it seemed Changmin was the one that looked restless. He knew Changmin was strong and smart and more mature for his age, it must be because he was the eldest in the family before he became the ‘maknae’ in Dong Bang Shing Ki. Whenever his friends were having a problem, Changmin was their go to person. He would always be their voice of reason, stopping them from doing much too ‘outrageous’ things that could cause a scandal. But a small part of him could see that his friend performed better when Yunho was beside him. He shone brighter and laughed harder. He also became stronger yet calmer. And recently it was more obvious that Changmin was the snarky yet charming guy only when Yunho was around. When he was without Yunho, he was only the ‘snarky’ Changmin. Nothing charming at all. What happened today was the proof.

Today was supposed to be their ‘happy go lucky day’. The day where them single guys go out and have fun till morning. Yunho was busy filming Poseidon and would not be back till late. Which should have left Changmin free to do whatever he liked, not that Yunho whereabouts should affect him. After all, weren’t they living separately now? Only Changmin behaved oddly since the start. He kept on looking at his cell phone, flicking it open on and off every 5 minutes. And that started to bug Kyu.

‘What’s up man? I noticed that you are not with us tonight.’ Kyu sat himself beside Changmin who for the hundredth time kept on glancing at the phone in his hand.

‘What do you mean? I’m here aren’t I? ‘ Changmin retorted. His eyes scanned his phone quickly, unconsciously he sighed when he could not find what he was looking for.

‘You hardly touch the food and keep on looking at that darn phone ever since we left the studio. You call that being here?’ Kyu glared at his best friend, daring him to deny what he was saying.

‘Sorry. I don’t mean to be a party pooper. I’m just not feeling well. I think I will pass tonight. You don’t mind, right?’

‘What? What? You’re leaving Min? Hey, the party just started. We are inviting some girls to come. They are pretty new trainees. You can’t just leave yet. ’ Minho slammed his body in the open seat next to Changmin.

‘You don’t say..’ Changmin trailed off.

‘Yup, you got it dude. The cute girl that I met a couple of days ago, she had several friends that would like to meet the great Changmin-shi.’ Minho flippantly cut short his friend’s words.

‘NO. If I knew that some girls are coming, I would have not come with you guys. I thought this was supposed to be our all guys night out.’ It came out rougher than he meant it to sound.

Changmin knew he was being rude, but he was really upset. First, he never wanted to be here, then Minho started telling him that some random girls were coming over. For once in his life he wished Kyu and Minho would leave him alone.

‘Ho, Min is right. Tonight is supposed to be all guys only, no girls. Call your friend and tell her that the party is cancelled and they can come by another time.’ Kyu ordered Minho, the later grudgingly agreed after seeing Kyu’s death glare (which was not very often, a sign that he was really pissed off).

‘But that means you will stay.’ Kyu said sternly, leaving no room for Changmin to protest. ‘And you will make sure you drink and eat and be HERE with us. Or I will get Minho to call those girls back Understood?’

Of course poor Changmin could only sit there and suffered the ‘injustice’ befell on him by his so called best friends. He drew the line when Kyu was trying to confiscate his cell phone.

‘No. Don’t do this Kyu, I promise I will be good but don’t take my phone okay? I need it.’

‘What do you need it for? Are you expecting a call? Is it from a girl?’

‘No..it’s not like that. Anyway, I’m putting this in my pocket now. See?’

Kyu was eyeing his friend suspiciously. He knew Changmin could be quite stubborn, to have him agree so easily did not sound right to him.

‘See, I’m even drinking this soju too and eating too, okay?’ Changmin tried to appease his friend.

‘By the way, perhaps you would like to check on Minho? I think he’s not functioning well.’

A series of expletive came out from Kyu’s mouth upon seeing his other best friend started becoming too friendly with his refrigerator. He even started hugging the fridge. Ryeowook who saw what was happening, was on his way out of the bathroom and trying to stop him but ended sprawling on the floor, tripping on his own wet feet.


‘Hyung!’ Kyu ran towards poor Ryeowook, giving Changmin a chance to check his phone.

A smile appeared on his handsome face. Quickly he typed a reply and put his phone back in his pocket. Face all shiny and happy.

‘Saa…let’s drink, what are you doing there Kyu. Let’s not waste this Soju also this cake!’ He said that much too brightly for Kyuhyun’s liking.

Minho who was finally able to see that the fridge did not have any desire to dance with him found that a spot on the sofa next to Changmin fascinated him more and started to scratch it diligently.

‘Changmin…would you do something and stop that guy from ruining our sofa? I just got it cleaned yesterday.’

Ryeowook tried to sit up, still holding his forehead that just got acquainted with the floor. Even in his half conscious mind he still could care for the sofa’s well being.

Kyu was looking at the bump in his hyung’s head and said ‘I think we need to put ice on it. Looks like it’s swollen. Stay there Hyung, let me get some for you.’

‘Hei Kyu, what did you put inside this cake? Chocolate? No wonder Minho goes all hyper, he must have eaten it. You know he can’t have chocolate and Soju at the same time.’ Changmin said casually, taking a bite off the cake, not a bit concern about Ryeowook mishap.

‘Shit! I forgot! Well, don’t just sit there and eat. Do something, the guy is going crazy!’

‘You know what Kyu, you are confusing me. First you wanted me to drink and eat, now you want me to stop eating? Geez. Make up your mind. Don’t be wishy-washy’

‘I’m not being wishy-washy! I just want you to take care of Minho while I’m busy with Ryeowook Hyung!’

‘Arasso. You don’t need to yell. You’re not cute when you’re angry Kyu.’

‘Who said anything about being cute! I just want you to make sure that Minho stopped shredding our sofa. God! What will Leeteuk hyung said when he sees it.’

‘I never knew a person who becomes intoxicated over chocolate.’ Changmin was saying out loud, captivated by Minho’s action, the later now had stopped scrubbing the sofa but had turned his attention to Changmin.

‘Min-ah…you look so handsoooome. Dance with me…’ He made a move trying to capture Changmin in an embrace, only ended up hugging a pillow thrown at him by Changmin.

‘Hmm…Min-ah, you are so mean…hiks..hiks..I will tell Key you are mean.’ Pouting Minho would have looked cute if Changmin was not grumpy.

But tonight he was tired, he just wanted to go home and cuddle up. But due to this ‘darn’ all guys party, he had to stick it out. And he was at the end of his rope. After the first message that he received, no more messages came through his phone and he did not like it. All kinds of thoughts had been playing in his mind, and none of them were good.

He so wanted to leave this party, that was going down the hill slowly, what with Minho accidentally eating choco that he was allergic to and Kyu in a panic nursing Ryeowook’s bumpy head, which by the way now had grown almost as big as an egg. Changmin was very sure that Suju’s manager would not like it especially because tomorrow Super Junior would hold a fan signing at Lotte Super Mall. Bumpy head sure did not meet the manly-sophisticated image of the Super Junior. But leaving Kyu alone to take care the two invalids was so shabby.

‘Ssssh Minho, would you be quiet please. Drink this, I promise you this will make you feel better.’

‘Noooo…Changminnie is bad, Minho does not want to drink.’

‘Gaah. Minho. Don’t be such a baby. Just drink this okay?’

‘Naaah..’ Minho stood up and ran across the room, trying find a good hiding place.

Feeling frustrated, Changmin raced after him, armed with a glass of water and a medicine on his hands. He was finally able to corner his quary, hiding behind a curtain.

‘Minho-yah, don’t be afraid. Drink this medicine, this will make you feel better. Trust me. Okay.’

Changmin was using his best cajoling voice, he even used an aegyo for God’s sake. But looked like Minho was in a worse condition than he thought because he did not seem to care.

‘Nooo, Minnie is bad, Minho don’t like Minnie….hiks..Keeeey…’ Minho started to wail like a kid.

‘Min-ah, I told you to calm him down not to make him cry!’ Shouted Kyu

‘I am trying to calm him down. Don’t you see what I’m trying to do here?!’ Changmin shouted back.

And predictably, of course with all the shouting, it made Minho cried louder and Ryeowook’s headache to triple causing him to almost faint and Kyu started a series of curse that would shame his mother. As for Changmin, standing awkwardly with a glas of water and a medicine near a curtain (hiding the tall and handsome Minho), eyes rolling to the ceiling and prayed to God to deliver him from all male friends but ‘one’.

In the midst of that hullaballoo there was a ‘click’ sound. Somebody was opening the door. Changmin turned around to see who the new comer was when Minho made a dash out of his hiding place running towards the door and bumping into him in the process, knocking him off his feet….he landed ‘ungracefully’ on the floor, with water spilled all over his head and clothes , looking so pitiful like a heap of potato sack.

‘Siwon hyung!’ Minho ran towards Siwon happily.

Siwon tried to catch the lanky figure throwing his body at him so suddenly.

‘What’s up Minho? What happened?’ His eyes darting from the mess on the floor (read: a heap of wet ‘Changmin’) to Kyuhyun still holding ice to Ryeowook’s forehead and to the ‘big’ bundle that was hugging him.

‘Wow. This is quite a party. I never knew your guys night out are always this lively Changdola.’ A tall man who had been standing behind Siwon the whole time finally made himself known. He scanned the room, merriment were clearly seen in his cute eyes.

‘Hyung!’, now it was Changmin’s turn to whine.

‘Hyung!...’ His whine turned into wail. Some tears even dropped from his eyes, wetting his cheeks.

‘Hyung!...I’m wet and tired and I don’t like the soju. It tasted bad!!’

'What!! You! It's an expensive Soju!' Kyu's splutter fell on deaf ears.

Changmin continued to sob shamelessly. He did not know why by seeing Yunho standing there and hearing his gentle voice brought a wave of emotions to the surface. He suddenly felt like crying, so he did. He wanted Yunho to ‘pet’ him, hug him..and cuddle…him

Kyu could not believe his ears, Changmin whined and wailed! But what happened next beat every thing.
Yunho’s closed the distance between him and Changmin in three long strides. He crouched next to the slumped figure. His arm was around Changmin’s shoulders, hugging the man close to him.

‘Hyung, why didn’t you call me all day? You did not even text me. I waited and waited…Don’t you miss me?’
Changmin sobbed into Yunho’s shirt, wetting the white pristine suit. His hands grabbed on to Yunho’s waist tightly.

‘Sorry, we were shooting all day in a secured area, they wanted us to hand in all gadgets for safety purposes. I could not ask Manager Hyung to send messages to you could I?’ Yunho was rubbing Changmin’s back all the time he was talking.

‘Still, why couldn’t you call me after you’re done?’ Changmin’s voice was low yet could be heard clearly in the now quiet room.

Minho, by the way was already safely laid out on the long sofa sleeping peacefully under Siwon’s gentle administrations. Looked like effect of Soju-choco had worn off leaving him exhausted.

‘I thought you would still be with Kyu and not wanting me to bother you?’

‘How could you say that! We haven’t seen each other for a while, yet you don’t seem to miss me at all!’ Changmin hissed angrily, letting go of his arms from Yunho’s body and tried to pull back only to be stopped by Yunho strong arm.

‘You know it’s not true. I would always miss you. I miss you even when I see you. I miss you when I hear you. I miss you even now.’ Yunho’s eyes were dark and intense, gazing deeply into Changmin’s doe eyes.

‘Really?’ Changmin said breathlessly. Hearts in his eyes.

‘Do you want me to show it now?’ Yunho’s voice was low and husky.

‘Hmm…you can do it later, for now can you just take me home?’ Changmin flushed bit red but could not hide his happiness.

‘Sure my Princess. Your wish is my command’.

Yunho picked Changmin up off the floor and carry him ‘bride style’ across the room. Stopping at the door long enough only to bade them good bye.

‘Well, sorry for not helping you guys to clean up the mess. But Changmin and I have some important things to do. So we have to leave now. Siwon, see you tomorrow at the set. Kyu, Ryeowook, nice seeing you so domestic together.’

Then like a Prince in shining armor he swept out of the door leaving an open mouthed Kyu, a bemused Ryeowook and a seemingly ‘cool’ Siwon to ponder what just took place before their eyes.

One thing is for sure though, Kyu now was less confused about Yunho and Changmin’s relationships. He was beginning to understand what Yunho means to Changmin. But that is another story to be told at another time.

thsk, tvxq, homin, dbsk

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