More adventures with Facebook

Aug 19, 2009 22:44

On one of LauraJean's posts there was a lively disagreement about the liberal bias of media and global warming. One woman seemed a typical dittohead and being unable to support her position with facts or reason, she had descended to vitrol and insults by the time I happened upon it. I snapped and responded with: "Heather, you sound nuts and your grammer is bad. Get a clue." The moment I saw it, I noticed "grammer" which made me laugh enough to reset my mood. Later, clearing out my e-mail, I find notification for a fb msg:

Stupid Lib!
(Heather Lorraine Rosenow)
Thanks for tour idiot comment fatty! Go hump a tree!

A number of responses leapt to mind. I considered LOLing it, because I actually had. But I made two posts to another thread which I had gone to for the express purpose of LOLing Larry for his Lutheran comment without managing to do so. So if he didn't get one, why should she. He was wry and gentle, she was petty and meanspirited. But you gotta love that her short response actually contains a grammar error and typo. I checked out her bio and was amused to discover that she considers herself a big fan of PETA2, mentioning it numerous times, and also of Sarah Palin. I noticed that she was the kids' age and decided not to bother to respond. When I clicked back to close the page, I noticed the title line and discovered that I have no self-control today. I couldn't resist. I fired back this response:

You are certainly welcome. You richly deserve that and more. And allow me to commend you for the excellent job you have done of Liberating your Stupid! You are a truly fine warrior for Stupid Lib. Pushing your white hood up in your icon photo was a brave choice. Have fun teabagging.

No good will come of this. She'll probably arrive on my doorstep and shoot me. But I just could not resist. Maybe if I hadn't been wondering what that white thing on her head was... But worst of all, a horrible thought struck me while I was writing this. I clicked over to fb to grab the quotes and noticed my own icon. A shot from the wedding of me and Martin which is cropped kinda funny. She might think that I'm the one in blue. That thought killed the humor for me. That's very different then. But, too late, I've already responded and even once was too much. Barney Frank is right about trying to argue with these people. Studies have demonstrated that offering facts and evidence contrary to their opinions actually increase the strength of their beliefs. It's a pointless exercise. (And it annoys the pig...) Better to just say "Here's your sign." and move on.

Somewhat to my surprise I find that she did respond:

Heather Lorraine Rosenow
Ha ha ha...when Obama is taking 60% or more of your paycheck from you because your dumb lazy fat fucking ass voted the Natzi in, then you will be begging to tell me how right I am with my opinions. Also, when you get on his health care plan, (which he wont let the American public read any of what is in the GOD DAMN bill) I hope you will be happy with dying instead of getting help how you would on the healthcare plan how it is today!!! I've never come across a smart liberal yet. None of them can stand up to me on current goverment issues and win in a debate. So you just keep being a lazy American...I hope the immigrants you don't mind paying for spit in your face someday!!! Burn in hell bitch!!!

She then proceeded to block me, presumably to avoid any response. giggle. Well, that was easy.

