Minicon was fabulous - Thanks to all the workers!

Apr 13, 2009 17:47

My Minicon was delightful from start to finish. I was surprised how happy just seeing the faces of the fannish gang makes me. I didn't have to actually talk to them, or have them see me to get the flare of joy from seeing them, still doing their thing through all the years. And now the cycle has rolled on to where all the splinter cons are going strong and bringing us new people. We're back to a damn fine blend. I was so happy to see Carol at the Reg table, she brings all sorts of cool little trinkets for badge embellishment. Yay Carol! That was fun and while fooling around with it I enjoyed the casual conversations with familiar and new faces.

My three finest moments this year were all with kids this year. Somehow I made it through the entire convention without seeing Martin once. Sniff. However, the list of people I missed this year is too long to dwell upon. Fortunately, the people I did see were a true delight, one and all.

But, speaking of delight, I'm off to see CariRose.