First day of semester bento part 1

Aug 27, 2007 13:52

Today is Tyler's first day of classes! I made him a lunch, but since he has a break from 11-2, he said he will come home for lunch. He told me this after I packed up his bento lunch, but he will eat it when he gets home then!

Left: Leftover curry with prawns, tofu, eggplant, carrots, potato, and mushrooms, and rice. I couldn't help making it cute for him today! ^_^
Right and bottom: pineapple chunks, cucumbers from the garden, a tomato and pickled daikon 'flower'. The tomato is also from our garden, and I pickled the daikon with my tsukemono press. Not real takuan, but... still tasty! Also some Nutella with cinnamon sweet potato chips.
Not pictured, but included : organic baby green salad and blue cheese dressing. I figured he could add the tomato and cukes to the salad if he wants.

I start classes a week from tomorrow, so I'm practicing making bento faster in the mornings. I'm getting better!
EDIT: This turned out to be way too much food for him. He usually has a big apetite, but it was a little too much. Enough for a snack and lunch. Maybe 2 snacks and lunch!


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