
Feb 29, 2004 18:17

I seem to be waking up early every day now, it's weird because I still have that cough due to cold. And I should be getting more rest. I'm gettin better though, I think a good sign of that is when that flem starts to build up really hardcore beneath the throat. It sucks, but it will be gone soon. I'm sippin on some Earl Grey tea, and eating my gronolla bar along with it, and relaxing to the beats from C.R.E.A.M., my lights are totally off right, very dark. Today was an interesting day I guess, went all the way downtown to have Dim Sum, and also, I got to meet my great grand uncle! (my grandfather's brother) I've never seen him since I was at the age of 1 or 2? I never knew he was so short, but he's such an interesting person, speaks english well, and speaks with such enthusiam, and always has something to say. His 2 daughters, cathy and emma? One is a forensic medical scientist who works down in the US, and the other is a speech pathologist. Cathy had gotten calls to check on people from the 911 tradgedy way back. Emma helps people with speech disability, such as extreme studdering. After Dim Sum, we headed to my great grand mother's place. I've havn't seen her in so long, and she's getting so old =( I remember when she use to take care of me in my earlier day's, when she use to move with such ease, she was strong. When i see her now, she always needs help getting up, and this person always wiping her hands, and it just seems all too sad. After visiting great grandma, we all headed home. I got to drive back home with my sister. We listened to the count down on z103.5...pretty nice beats out on the charts today, makes me wanna go clubbin again. Anyways, I think this week, I'm gonna start a workout routine again, need to get myself in shape for dragonboat. Lotta chicks on the team too! haha.. time to for some work.
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