Well, it seems to be traditional...

Jan 12, 2009 22:49

  • Me (at work, Friday): Ooh, Windows 7 Beta out today, let's see...
  • *checks sit. Site refuses to open*
  • Me: OK, will try later
  • Me (at home, Friday): Oh, yes, was going to check that beta out...
  • *checks site*
  • Site: Erm, we didn't expect this many people to attempt to download it all at once... Come back tomorrow when we've put some more servers up
  • Me: Fine...
  • Me (at home, Saturday morning): OK, beta thing.
  • *goes to site*
  • Site: Here, download! Once you log in...
  • Me: Yay!
  • *log in*
  • *clicks download*
  • *clicks download again*
  • *waits a bit in case*
  • *clicks download again*
  • Me: OK, you don't like Firefox? How about Safari?
  • *loads Safari. Loads site. Logs in*
  • *clicks download*
  • *clicks on download button many times*
  • Me: OK, don't like Firefox, or Safari. Right...
  • *opens Fusion, boots  Windows VM*
  • *loads Internet Explorer. Loads site. Logs in*
  • *Clicks download*
  • Site: You need special downloader! Gimme permission to install it! It's my friend!
  • Me (reluctantly): fine...
  • *download finally starts*

  • Me (at home, Saturday evening): has download finished?
  • *download has finished*
  • Me: Yay!
  • *copies download out of Windows VM and onto Mac partition*
  • Me (at home, Monday evening): Ought to give that beta a try
  • *create new, empty VM*
  • *Tell it to boot from a disk image*
  • *wait 10 minutes8
  • *see shiny Windows logo*
  • New Windows 7 VM: Ja! Das Hokey Kokey!
  • *presses buttons, making Hitler's eyes flash*
  • Me: Hmm, still better than Vista*
  • New Windows 7 VM: Just works!
* With apologies to xkcd...
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