(no subject)

Oct 11, 2008 21:43

I have had enough of this fucking place. Just had a football kicked against the front window, sending glass all over the front room. If anyone had been in there, they'd have been shredded. As it is, we now have a football sized hole through the window, and a cleaning up job which could take hours.

Police round here are totally useless, and can't be assed to turn up for anything less than mass murder, so I really do not see the point in them anymore. We supposedly have community support officers, but evidently not in evenings or weekends.

Want to move somewhere where there are no fucking kids, no fucking useless police and where people actually own up if they make a mistake. Sadly, I suspect they are all impossible, so I'll settle for somewhere with full double glazing, some form of space between the pavement and the house, and, ideally a garage.
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