The Reading List

Mar 20, 2008 11:30

This is basically for my benefit, so I can keep track of what I've read this year (or since Christmas, at least), in roughly chronological order. If you would like further details on any of these, please visit my online book listing thing at - anything that isn't on there is borrowed, and I'll try and remember to put the ISBN on the entry.

  • Timeline, Michael Crichton
  • Shakespeare, Bill Bryson
  • Lu Tze's Yearbook of Enlightenment, Terry Pratchett
  • The Big Over Easy, Jasper Fforde
  • Fragile Things, Neil Gaiman
  • The Dreaming Void, Peter F Hamilton
  • Ilium, Dan Simmons
  • The Somnambulist, Jonathan Barnes
  • More Twisted, Jeffrey Deaver
  • Off Armageddon Reef, David Weber
  • The Bullet Trick, Louise Welsh
  • Neutron Star, Larry Niven
  • The Empty Chair, Jeffery Deaver
  • Debatable Space, Philip Palmer
  • Dead Souls, Ian Rankin
  • A Good Hanging, Ian Rankin
  • The Witches of Chiswick, Robert Rankin
  • (Dead Souls, Ian Rankin - Intended, but realised had read it already after first page. No pages counted, and doesn't count towards reading total)
  • Anything Goes, John Barrowman with Carole E. Barrowman
  • Stonehenge, Bernard Cornwell
  • Crow Stone, Jenni Mills
  • The Hundredth Man, Jack Kerley
  • Barking, Tom Holt
  • No Humans Involved, Kelley Armstrong
  • The Blackest Bird, Joel Rose
  • The Last Templar, Raymond Khouri
  • Un Lun Dun, China Mieville

Just out of interest, I'm also putting a running page count here. This is based on pages numbered in the book, where possible, else Librarything count.

Currently on: 11270
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