Yep... nonsence.
Schakke LINE, come wech of the shelves, you ass!". I joined this group yesterday evening - and since then laugh yourself dead I. It concerns to collect as diagonal a stories of humans with gruseligen names from the life as possible. I would not like to conceal a few anecdotes here: In Moenchengladbach: A nut/mother calls their approx. 8-jaehrigen daughter from the balcony to: "Schan talle, go nischt with the Asis!" Nut/mother and three to four years old girl. Nut/mother is already the small one at the cooling shelves, makes themselves at the fruit to create. Nut/mother calls by the half shop: "Schakke LINE (, really!), comma with mummy jetz! No, no apple, we had constituted chewing rubber!" My former neighbours had a small child, approx.. 5 years old that in the completely asphalted yard had to always play. At the meal time the nut/mother roared regularly from the dwelling: "come jetz ' immediately purely, you beschissene dirt sow, otherwise knallt's!" Dialogue between two children in the Warner Brothers Movie World: 1.: "where is Mischelle?" 2.: "Mischelle is, where to go to the course does!" A man roars over the Straase, because its car is course-parked: "whom is the Mopped?" Another: "I!" "Schantall, the mummy is now (spelled) W E C K - away!" or also "Sascha, come! We go celebrating your Kinderjebuchtstach inna other Frittenbud." Letztens in the WalMart: A man looks for his wife. It gets deeply air and walks, directly beside my ear: "come mA fast to mix!" converse two small proleten with gangsta outfit at that bus-hold mean the one on the other hand: "are isch yours mudda you hurensohn!!!" :) Two weeks ago ago in the course after peppering castle: Approx. 16 year old nut/mother presses their one year's child an OCCUPIED sand-yielded of approx. 5 cm thickness into the hand, in order to place it calmly. Child kruemelt naturally as moves. Whereupon the nut/mother: Ey Chantal, you is shits in such a way, ey recently in the bus. nut/mother with their three children, all so between 6 and 10th. one of it, nen girl, stand at the automatic fahrkartendrucker and type stop in such a way drauf rum, like bored children it in such a way do there. the bus continue, nut/mother snatch two of their children and rise from the small girl hats nich mitgekriegt, until the nut/mother from outside calls: "ey you come now times, or which is you measurement birth Nut/mother to approx. the 6-jaehrigen daughter: "Britta! You come jetz with me, otherwise kannste alone well lives later fahrn!" once in plus in Cologne at the cash: small daughter: "mummy I wants n ueberaschungsei!!" mudda: "nisch" small daughter krickste: "why nisch?!" mudda: "because you mix abfucken do!!!" Aldi, general Vorweihnachtsfrassshopping, but although Vollasis employs 3 to draw ne small fight up. "Ey, isch fick disch." "Eeeey, if isch nisch so broadly more waer, isch wuerd vermobben disch in such a way, ey." "Isch know Bushido." "alda, yours vadda makes schleschte more doenner" A beautiful dialogue from the Ruhrpott: Man sits in the Unterhemd supported by a cushion at the open window in the third stick. On the road a buddy passes. Window man: "Eeeeeeeey! Where geeehse?" Road man: "Pommes!" more knaller with more frauenarzt:mutter and daughter sit in the waiting room, daughter (14) howls, nut/mother keift: "in such a way bloed kamma nevertheless net sin, isch you beigebrocht, without condom act like steven too bumse (!!!!)??? nut/mother in woolworth: To Tschuestiiin (justine nehm I mA on...), you bledie schlomp, leave kinner egg ligge, sonscht gebbts glei paa UF gosch!!! Recently on weihnachtsmarkt at the glow crying and: the nut/mother says to her quengelnden child: "now let it be, otherwise werf I you the cup to the brain, you asshole!" Times by my neighbours one woke in such a way: "Maeaeaeaeaendy, the green bicycle is away. I believe, that is geklaut!" "Uschi, come nachem bed, I han hard!" Nut/mother: "Ey Zelliine hear on with shits otherwise steps isch disch!" train, young beginning teacher stand vorm for teacher room, because it was invited to the "interview" fuer's practical course comes n girl (approx. sieved class) rueber and means... girls: bites teachers here?? I: ... nee... girls: ... ey, you see shit out! As I still at us in the village on the gas station worked came times the small boy of the Doenerbude purely. So approx.. 10/11 year. "hello, I is to get dumps for my father!" (... clear, say all!!) I: "you are however still no 16, or?" It: "Nee, but are really for my father, that have me also ` nen notes given!" It hands a piece paper more rueber and on stands ungelogen: "1 x mark office"