Пишу по просьбе хороших друзей из
Positive Technologies, про которых недавно
промелькнула новость на Роеме (да, Скляров тоже работает в Positive Technologies):Our company is looking for high-professional and robust software development team located in Austria or Germany. Full time employment with Austrian-based company provided.
If you are interested in IT security and skilled in some or all of these technologies:
- C++ (network communications, high performance computing, multithreading, distributed calculations)
- Python (C++ integration - Cython, threading, runtime subclassing, AST manipulations)
- Nosql databases
- ESB (.Net platform or pure C++)
- Being fluent in English or Russian is mandatory.
Please don’t hesitate to send us your personal CV or team profile.
You can email to career@ptsecurity.ru or visit our website at www.ptsecurity.com