Room 234/236: Wednesday morning

Oct 11, 2006 16:34

The thing about being hurt so badly you can't see straight is that it can't last forever. At least if you're Parker.

The last time someone she loved hurt her very badly, she barely spoke about her mother to anyone for seven years. So. A week's worth of ache has now transmuted into a furious grudge that could last months, if she cultivates it correctly. This morning's project is stripping her room of everything that reminds her of Jarod. It's rougher going than it should be. The stuffed rabbits are hers, now. She's not putting them in storage just because he gave them to her. The same with the copy of Little Women, which has associations with her mother that she's unwilling to give up. But some of the other stuff involves judgement calls, and she has to admit that her ability to make them is compromised right now. She calls Xander as she works, giving him a new message to listen to, to reassure him she's not as upset as she was last week.

Finally she gives up, and admits that it's pointless. His cat is climbing over her bureau; Jarod's still number one on her speed-dial. Not because she intends to call him. But because who would she replace him with? And how would she re-arrange the order after that? Her father should have that space, but he changes phones so often there's no point. Sydney always takes calls from her, but always with a sense of risk. It's simpler to leave it. She hates Jarod a little more, just for permeating her life so much that no bonfire could eradicate him from her space. He only spent one night here, but it still feels like he's part of the room. She could honestly kill him for that.

Better to work on other projects. She opens the cabinet that Bridge built for her, and starts to write on the electronic whiteboard.

I. Fen__
New Genesis
Catherine Jameson Parker

William Raines.

-- Jarod wasn't going to be doing those searches any more. And pulling Broots in would get him in much deeper than she'd like. So. She'd have to tackle this on her own, now. Legwork, legwork, legwork, and Google is our god.

1 officer on the Board
1 section head each: Europe, Asia, Australia
At least 6 Blue Cove Sweepers (start with Sam?)
Another geek

-- bribery, blackmail, bludgeoning. Angelo for help, maybe, on some of these, but as for the rest... well. Good thing Someone wasn't around to care, any more.

Backdoor into mainframe
Separate travel identity - Check with Angelo
Secondary safehouse, aside from Lake Catherine

The Ex can bitch about her timeframes and her lack of action all he wants. Slow and steady, and she'll win the race and survive it, too. Parker printed out her plans, and started cross-indexing names on the 'undermine' list aginst the latest Centre directory. A start. A definite start.

[establishy mostly, but you can knock if you were up at 7a.m.]

xander, jarod, muahaha, over

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