Room 234/236 : Sunday

Oct 01, 2006 17:39

Parker slept in pretty late, but was awakened by a paw on her face. And then another paw, and cat-breath.

"Nice." She opened her eyes to a glowering M, who was meowing irately into her face. When she sat up, it became clear that Esme was gnawing on the pillow shams again. "So you're saying you're hungry? Fine."

M wasn't happy about sharing bunny food, but Parker had a few bribe-shrimps for Faithful left over in the mini-fridge, and those were okay. Parker stroked her fur while she daintily ate them, and wondered when the cat would figure out Jarod wasn't coming back. Last night that thought had hurt more than she could deal with; today it was just really, really, really painful. Annnnnd... she still wasn't really ready to tell anyone about it.

So, after spending the entire afternoon catching up on Bio and Interstellar Relations and Astronomy, she told people who wouldn't ask why, or ask whose fault it was, or want all the details.

TO: Angelo
FROM: Parker
RE: Jarod

He's gone. I don't think he'll be back.

Could you keep an eye out for him? Please?

....Send Cracker Jack.


Then to follow up on her previous phone message, she called Xander, Because hey, it was better than trying to write some damn diary entry about it. While she'd been leaving that message, Angelo had written back.

TO: Parker
FROM: Angelo
RE: Re: Jarod

Sorry. Sad. Yes. See attached.


The attachment turned out to be a few different videos that had Parker almost smiling.

And feeling well enough that she got dressed near sundown, grabbed her packet of cigarettes, and headed out to Caritas. She had a bar owner to talk to.

xander, jarod, over, 234/236, angelo, m, links

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