Room 234/236 - Sunday morning, 9am-ish

Jun 10, 2006 22:56

"Ow. Ow. Ow." Parker hobbled out of bed, and examined the array of bruises on her legs and arms, and the road rash on her hands, grimacing. "Ow."

It had been a weird couple of days.

The mummy hunt the night before had ended in a less-than-spectacular fashion for her, with Kawalsky landing on her. But at least the plagues-- kittens, frogs, butterflies, and everything else-- were gone now, thanks to everyone killing the Big Mummy and the Icky Thing. After getting chocolate milk and an icebag to help her bruises, she'd limped out of Rory's room as soon as she was sure that Kawalsky, Isabel, and the others were being cared for.

Was it a worrying sign, that Detention had been weirder than the mummy hunt? Dressing up as a Catholic school girl, cuffing and uncuffing Cam, dodging water ballons... Well, at least she got to keep the costume. Jarod wouldn't know what hit him.

Where the hell was he, anyway? He still hadn't called back. When she'd seen him at the beach, he hadn't mentioned any plans-- just said that calling Sunday was a good idea. Parker cracked her neck, wondering if the much-more-awake-on-Friday Jack or Isabel had spoken with him.

No more plagues. No more nightmares. She'd barely been much help on this one, aside from fighting-- her own horrible Thursday had spilled into Friday morning sleeplessness, and she'd barely been able to focus on what was being planned. Rory and Aeryn and Kawalsky had handled it just fine without any input from her. Which was great on most levels. Upsetting on one other in particular, though.

Any e-mail she wrote to anyone about this wasn't going to make much sense yet. The handwavey one she'd sent Zero on Friday had gotten a reply at some point yesterday of "yes, I'm alive, doofus." She didn't need to check on anything else. Maybe she'd just go back to bed.

[ooc: open to others after Jack leaves.]

rory, whatthehellplagues, jack, links

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