Room 234/236 - Wednesday morning

Jun 07, 2006 14:20

Aside from some mutual silent treatment and talking to other people, Parker hasn't seen or talked to Rory since Friday. It's not fun, but it's not as hard as she'd thought it would be, to stay angry and away from someone who's still, mostly, a friend. But until she gets an apology, or Rory is at least willing to listen, there's no point in trying again. Going through photos and separating out the ones of Rory and Anakin, and putting them in a folder, has her melancholy but also still angry.

At least there's things to keep her busy-- Sunday with Jarod (with minor bizarre interruption by Jamie), gun club, First Aid with badger bites on toddlers, and Archery. Damn Miho anyway, ruining her Saturday with Detention for something that she didn't even do during class. Talking with Alanna didn't help, but at least she had her long-delayed swordsmanship tutorial set up. But if she hadn't wanted to avoid a conversation about Jarod working at a brothel with Principal Washburn, she would *so* be appealing that detention.

Angelo's video and talking to Z did lighten her mood. Maybe she'd go talk to Isabel later. This would just be easier if Zero and Angela were here. Even if she wasn't going to talk about this mess any more, with anyone, for any reason.

jarod, rory, isabel, detention, anakin, peter, alec, z, dean, links, miho, wtfbook?, callisto

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