Unsent Letter: Jack

Apr 21, 2006 20:38

Dear dumbass jerk Jack:

Where the hell are you?

It's been a month since the last time I talked to you, at least, and you never called back after I left you that voicemail about me and Jarod. At first I thought you didn't get it. Then I thought you were pouting. Now you've got me worried.

Look, I know your life isn't normal. I don't know how abnormal, but C.J. admitted it was more than a bad homelife. So I don't know if you'll ever get this. I have no idea where to send this. I could put it in a bottle and let it go out to sea, and it'd have just as good a chance of finding you as sending you an e-mail.

You're scaring me. Don't they have phones where you are? Maybe they don't. Maybe you don't even remember me now.

Phone home, Jack. Call collect if you have to.


jack, letters

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