Dolphin Hall, Oxford, England; Friday morning

Feb 20, 2009 08:36

Parker's week: Midterms Hell. Hell. Hell. Centre Internship Hell. Next to no sleep. Way too much caffiene. Getting her ass kicked at the dojo by the new teacher. Both her stand-by guys out of town, and no time for... anyway. And oh yes, an e-mail. A special e-mail.

SUBJECT: Another name. Another face.

Recognize anyone in the attached photo? Stories are better when you hear them from people who were there.

Planning for Carnival, thinking of you. So many high heels it's unavoidable.



Parker stared at the photo attachment in disbelief. Every single place Angelo had looked, he'd found nothing on Lyle. Maybe he just hadn't gone back far enough. The photo had to be seven, eight years old. There was a banner in the back of the photo: Douglas High School. And after three hours on the internet, she'd found the uniforms that matched it: Douglas, Nebraska. Population 5,121. Middle of goddamned nowhere.

Please contact our webmaster with any questions!

"Oh, you betcha, honey." Parker picked up her phone and punched in three numbers: airline. Hertz. The impostor she used when she was supposed to be elsewhere.

Next weekend was going to be interesting.

[open for phone calls]

oxford, lyle the vile, pez, exam hell

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