Centre UK headquarters, London, 11am GMT

Jul 21, 2008 11:24

"...I don't know. I'm still waiting on the goddamn translator." Parker paused outside the door of Mr. Lyle's office, and tried not to smile. Someone was very, very unhappy. "I don't know! He just sits there, staring at me like a stoned Buddha. It's been half an hour, what could be so important that he didn't even call?"

Parker rapped lightly on the door with her knuckles, and stepped inside, giving Lyle an inquiring look, and then carefully bowing to the client seated in one of Lyle's chairs. //"Mr. Wing. Greetings, sir. I hope your trip went well?"//

Mr. Wing shrugged, then got to his feet, bowing in return. //"Greetings. It went as well as could be expected. My arrival was not as fortunate."//

"Oh. Great. She's here. I should have known." Lyle snapped off his phone with a huff, then glared at Parker. "You're late! You were supposed to be here at 10:30!"

"Lyle? I'm not the translator." Parker shook her head slowly at him. "Peters was sent to Edinburgh, where his services were more necessary."

"How can his services be more necessary than dealing with the East Asia consortium's representative? Who the hell arranges these things?" Lyle demanded. "I've had this dead-head in my office for forty minutes! We can't get anything done if I can't find out from this loser who the hell at our end screwed up the order to Xiangching!"


"Don't even start with me! This is a complete and total mess! And if you knew Peters was gone and didn't show up, it effects you too!"

"Lyle?" Parker paused, savoring it. "Mr. Wing speaks perfect English." She watched the color drain out of Lyle's face, then solicitiously asked, "Do you need to sit down?"

"I..." Lyle stared at Mr. Wing in horror, who stared impassively back.

"I believe he may have been insulted by your assumption. As well as whatever else you may have been saying." Parker turned away from Lyle, then addressed Mr. Wing. "//Forgive us, sir. We assumed Mr. Lyle would have examined your dossier, as he was advised. An oversight on our part. Would you like me to contact our branch supervisor?"//

"Please." Mr. Wing spoke with a slight Texas drawl, and cocked an eyebrow at Lyle. "I have much to discuss with his superiors."

Parker nodded, then carefully walked out the door. She managed to stifle the chortles of glee until she got to the elevator.

...five hours later...

"Rome? I don't want to go to Rome!"

Parker paused outside Lyle's office again, cocking her head. He really did have to learn how un-soundproof this place was.

"But I-- it wasn't my fault! Gillian said... No. No, I thought-- okay! Fine. When do I leave?"

Oh yes, please tell us.

"Tonight? But-- No, Mr. Director. Yes. Understood."

Parker practically danced down the hallway as she left work early to celebrate.

london, lyle the vile, muahaha, the centre

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