Dolphin Hall, 4th Floor, Oxford, England, mid-afternoon local time

Nov 16, 2007 12:15

Parker was not having a great week. Her harshest tutor had laid down a ten-page essay for Chinese history right before Finals, her semi-boyfriend Lukas was MIA at a conference in Dublin, and even though she had a great time at Aeryn and John's wedding last weekend, she now had the problem that the only person she'd talked to since then was Zero. Because despite trying to call Isabel, and every other friend still at Fandom... nada, niento, zip contact. No contact outside of Fandom either; her e-mails to Xander's Willow had bounced, and she couldn't get through to call any alumni in other worlds. She hadn't told Zero about the problems yet, but if she didn't hear from Isabel or anyone else by midnight, she was going to have to let her know. That would be fun. Not.

And now the coffee-maker had gone missing.

"Elise said that Liza said that she saw those two guys from the 5th Floor messing with the door to our suite," Nourhane said, pounding a fist on the wall. "They've been swiping things from people's suites when they left the doors open or unlocked for the last month. And Neil swore that he saw his Spanish soccer poster in there after it went missing from his room."

"Perfect." Parker gave her roommmate a manic smile, then ducked into her bedroom.

"What are you doing?"

"Arming myself!"

Two minutes later, Parker stalked out of their suite wearing her Baby Docs and wielding a field hockey stick. Ten minutes later, Nourhane could hear yelling and cursing from down the stairwell. Fifteen minutes after that, Parker returned with the coffee-maker, a few new bruises, and a grim smile.

"If only everything were that easy to fix."

[ooc: will be more detailed link-drop later]

wth fandom phones down, oxford, zero, links, those guys on 5th

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