Jun 23, 2008 15:04

08:22 am: Fmr Top CIA Analyst: Iran Will Be Attacked Before Election
08:24 am: Closing Enron Loophole Would Drop Oil Prices 25% - 50% Overnight
08:29 am: Israelis want everything - They want all their problems to be resolved without paying any price
08:31 am: How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth About the American Voter
08:35 am: The Cash-Cow called Israel
08:38 am: Those in power fear and dislike real journalists
08:41 am: Did the NYT Just Out Another CIA Agent to Help the NeoCons Invade Iran?
08:43 am: Mossad Chief Empowered to Prepare Groundwork for Iran Strike
08:47 am: Obama calls to close 'Enron Loophole', that is contributing to high gasoline prices, McCain opposes
08:51 am: Imperial 'Justice'
08:53 am: Bush 'war crimes conference' to convene in Mass., plan prosecution of admin. officials
08:58 am: Nuclear scare stories
09:01 am: Admissions from the people who wrote the 9/11 Commission Report that it was compromised
09:04 am: Expert on Olbermann: FISA bill poorly written, could leave opening from criminal liability
09:18 am: Obama Camp Closely Linked With Biofuel
09:23 am: You. Will. Not. Be. Able. To. Get. Food.
09:27 am: Witness discusses explosions in WTC-7 BEFORE collapse of twin towers: New video
09:42 am: U.S. Funds Anti-American Broadcasts
09:43 am: D.C. Circuit Rules for Guantanamo Detainee in Partly Secret Decision
09:45 am: White House Blocking Army's Plan To Overhaul Contracting System
09:47 am: The other problems with the new FISA bill
09:49 am: Investigators to probe Olmert case in US
09:59 am: Mauritanian journalist jailed -- for protesting Israel
10:01 am: Obama clueless on terrorism
10:04 am: America's Military Machine Gearing Up for Total WAR
10:12 am: Blackwater buys off local sherriff
10:14 am: In Startling Turn, Republicans Criticize Man For Rejecting Handout
10:16 am: John McCain adviser: Another attack on the U.S. ‘would be a big advantage’ for McCain
10:45 am: America is standing still while Jerusalem's 2,000-year-old Christian community is exterminated
10:49 am: House Democrat accuses US ambassador of evidence tampering
10:55 am: U.N. Report: Palestinians Risk Starvation
11:00 am: Silent Weapons for a Quiet War
11:04 am: East Jerusalem Arabs pay taxes, but have no running water
11:07 am: 18,000 Homes destroyed by Israel since 1967
11:09 am: FISA Is Only the Prelude to Nightmare
11:12 am: Olmert meets secretly with planner of 1981 attack on Iraqi nuclear reactor
11:37 am: On Attacking Iran, 'Wash Post' Columnist Won’t Take No For an Answer
11:38 am: Neo-Con Rage: Israel’s place in their twisted world
11:40 am: Obama, Israel and more US taxpayer money for oppression
11:50 am: On Humiliation, and Gaza’s Dying Children
11:53 am: The Supreme Court, Habeas, John Yoo and Murdoch's Wall Street Journal
11:55 am: Human Cost of War
11:59 am: Occupations Abroad Always Lead to the Erosion of Liberties at Home
12:01 pm: 'Killing Muslims, blowing up mosques' - Nazi's plan for race war
12:06 pm: Bush/McCain's gas price scam is an Enron re-run
12:09 pm: Restore free speech, stop big media
12:20 pm: Is Britain on the slippery slope to dictatorship?
12:26 pm: Zionist multibillionaire’s relentless quest for global influence
12:46 pm: Prosecuting For War Crimes
12:50 pm: 4th Amendment: Rest in Peace
12:57 pm: It’s All Unravelling - Bond Insurers Beg Banks for $125 Billion “Forgiveness”
12:59 pm: Are we really ready for this financial storm?
01:31 pm: NAFTA Superhighway Stalled: Ron Paul - 2 comments
01:33 pm: Scott McClellan Under Oath: Video Highlights
01:40 pm: Norman Finkelstein Talks About Israeli Military "Rehearsals" Against Iran
01:52 pm: END OF EMPIRE: With William Blum, Kathy Kelly, Mike Whitney
01:54 pm: Noam Chomsky, Tom Hayden, Brian Wilson - at work for John Negroponte?
02:02 pm: US and European Union grant unlimited powers to police and secret services
02:08 pm: Agenda-Driven Response: HAARP and the Army's Land Grab in Colorado
02:20 pm: The ethnic cleansing of Arabic Christians
02:28 pm: The myth of 'weapons-grade' enrichment
02:52 pm: Detention offers student new outlook on Israel
02:53 pm: Interview with Jeff Halper: An Israeli in Palestine
03:00 pm: A neglected bridge for peace in the Middle East


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