Uh-Oh...Wexler Backs Naval Blockade of Iran

Jun 19, 2008 15:28

Congressman Wexler Statement on the FISA “Compromise”: Our civil rights comprimised
Congressman Wexler to Consponsor Bush Impeachment

Robert Naiman

Kyl-Lieberman on Steroids? Impeachment Champion Endorses Naval Blockade of Iran

Posted June 19, 2008 | 03:49 PM (EST)

When Representative Dennis Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment against Vice-President Cheney, and then against President Bush, one of his key accusations was that the Bush Administration has tried to lead the United States into war with Iran.

So you might have thought that Members of Congress who signed on to the impeachment crusade shared Rep. Kucinich's critique of U.S. saber-rattling towards Iran.


Representative Robert Wexler, who has made support of impeachment a signature issue, has signed on to a House resolution promoted by AIPAC that appears to endorse a naval blockade of Iran. A naval blockade would, of course, be an act of war. If not sanctioned by the UN Security Council - and there is no reason to believe that it would be - it would be a war crime. The resolution makes no mention of seeking Security Council approval.


impeachment, joe lieberman.wexler, iran

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