Once You Go Barack . . .
The art piece "Once You Go Barack . . . " is part of Yazmany Arboleda's "The Assassination of Barack Obama" exhibit which premiered in late February of 2008 but was shut down a week later.
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Candidate Assassination Art Show Busted
New York Police Officers Shut Down the Exhibition Entitled "The Assassination of Hillary Clinton / The Assassination of Barack Obama"
June 4, 2008-
A controversial performance art exhibit titled "The Assassination of Hillary Clinton/The Assassination of Barack Obama," was shut down by police in Midtown Manhattan this morning and the artist was interviewed by police and released without charge.
The Boston-born performance artist, Yazmany Arboleda, set up his exhibition at a vacant storefront and wrote "The Assassination of Hillary Clinton/The Assassination of Barack Obama," in white stenciled letters on the front window.
NYPD officers and Secret Service agents quickly shut down the exhibition.