Clinton did not raise 10mil in 24 hours: FEC reports-THEY LIED The SaveDarfur Coalition is an Israeli Mossad operation seeking under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" to seize control of the Sudan oil capitol which both sides in this CIVIL WAR(NOT GENOCIDE) obviously want for the income.
Note the Rothschild/Israel candidates for president are putting the ad in the New York Times. BTW, intervention in Iraq has worked out real well, hasn't it asshats?
Murdoch's London Telegraph says "U.S. President needs support of AIPAC"AIPAC: No Boos, Please
All 3 US presidential candidates pledge to seek an end to violence in Darfur if elected
The Associated Press
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
WASHINGTON: In a rare show of bipartisan unity, the three presidential candidates lent their names to a statement and newspaper ad Wednesday accusing the Sudanese government of genocide in the Darfur region and urging an end to the violence.
Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton joined with Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain in signing the ad in The New York Times headlined "GENOCIDE."
"We stand united and demand that the genocide and violence in Darfur be brought to an end," says the ad. It was paid for by the SaveDarfur Coalition, which describes itself on its Web site as an alliance of over 180 faith-based, advocacy and humanitarian organizations.