US attack on Baghdad media hotel no accident: rights group

May 20, 2008 14:20

Mon May 19, 10:07 AM ET

A media rights group called for a full probe into a 2003 US shelling that killed two foreign journalists at a Baghdad hotel, claiming that new evidence showed the incident was not an accident.

The International Federation of Journalists said the United States should "tell the whole truth" about the incident at the Palestine Hotel on April 8, 2003, just a day before Baghdad fell to US invading forces.

The IFJ said a former US army sergeant had reported seeing secret US documents that listed the hotel as a possible target, a statement which it said "exposed as a cover-up" the US position that the shelling was an accident.

"Slowly the awful truth about the events of that day are emerging," Aidan White, general secretary of the Brussels-based IFJ, said in a statement.

ngo, msm, iraq war, assassination, journailism

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