Helen Bascom By:
Devvy Kidd October 6, 2008
© 2008 - It's almost difficult to describe in mere words what happened last week in Washington, DC. That Blitzkreig is today's definition of shock and awe. When the enemy hits you at a speed you may not have time to get ready for is exactly what the money masters planned when they dropped the bail out swindle into the laps of a body of individuals (Congress), with a few exceptions like Congressman Ron Paul, R-TX, who have virtually no understanding of the subject matter. In cases like sodomite, Barney Frank, D-MA., whose male sex partner was
a senior exec at Fannie Mae, Frank should be investigated by the Department of Justice along with Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-CT.
Despite the overwhelming opposition of we the people across this land, Congress passed another nightmare. If you haven't seen the breakdown,
it is here. Note the the part which gives the IRS immunity from federal laws, more power to snoop into your life and make your personal income tax information as exposed as a newborn baby. You will see this wasn't just a "rescue" to recapitalize banks, it is more massive pork ridden debt slapped on our backs.
Notice on page 298 of the bill, there are provisions for the film and motion picture industry. What does this have to do with bailing out banks? How about page 300 that provides exemption from excise taxes for wooden arrows made for children? Or, how about Section 504 regarding income from Exxon Valez settlements? Here's more on the swindle:
GREEN ALERT: Hidden Carbon Tax Provisions in Paulson’s Bailout 2.0. "This appears to be an attempt by global warming fanatics to lay the foundation for an economy-killing carbon tax just like the “cap-and-tax” system that is now destroying European industry. If you think the Mother of All Bailouts is bad, just wait till you see the carbon tax. Get ready to reduce your standard of living drastically."