Joe Biden: The Neoconservative Democrat

Sep 22, 2008 11:55

By Abbas Ali, September 15, 2008

In announcing Joe Biden as his running mate, Barak Obama declared that for decades senator Biden “has brought change to Washington, but Washington hasn’t changed him.” However, Biden is a seasoned politician and would not survive Washington political climate and shifting alliances without profound adjustment in approaches and compromise.

Senator Biden often speaks his mind and does not shy away from openly criticizing the administration’s foreign policy on several fronts. In terms of the Middle East policy, however, Biden’s stand resembles those of hardliners, especially those of the neoconservatives’. Despite his liberal pronouncements, he has been one of a few democrats who has adopted the neoconservatives’ outlook toward the Middle East.

Though neoconservatives have articulated a world view and design, their core belief revolves around the Middle East and the centrality of Israel in the global strategy. They advocate that:

The U.S. invasion of and military presence in Iraq ensures the safety, security, and supremacy of Israel,


israel, neocon, biden

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