08:15 PM CDT on Saturday, September 13, 2008
By MICHAEL E. YOUNG / The Dallas Morning News
myoung@dallasnews.com Use the latest scientific techniques to poke a hole or two in official findings on the Kennedy assassination and suddenly you have lots of new friends - and lots of enemies.
LOUIS DeLUCA/DMN Dr. Cliff Spiegelman of Texas A&M University is the leader of a team of scientists who investigated bullets from the same manufaturing lot as those used by Lee Harvey Oswald during the assassination of JFK in 1963.
View larger More photos Photo store Forty-five years after President John F. Kennedy was killed in a Dallas motorcade, the details surrounding his death remain topics of endless debate for those who see conspiracies and those who disagree.
Cliff Spiegelman will testify to that.
The professor of statistics at Texas A&M University organized a six-member team that compared the composition of bullet fragments from the JFK shooting with other bullets from the same manufacturer.