Occupied Palestine and mathematics

Sep 08, 2008 12:17

Category: Human rightsIsrael and Palestine
Posted on: August 24, 2008 3:49 PM, by revere

I belong to a number of professional societies and one of them is the American Mathematical Society. The September issue of one of their publications, the Notices, just arrived and I read with interest a statement by one of the world's most distinguished mathematicians, Brown University's David Mumford. While most members of the public have never heard of him, Mumford has been a famous in mathematical circles for many years, having received the Fields Medal in 1974 for his work in algebraic geometry. The Fields Medal is an extraordinary recognition, perhaps the most prestigious in mathematics. It is given only once every four years to a mathematician under the age of 40. Another honor, the Wolf Foundation Prize in mathematics (and now the Abel prize) is considered by many the mathematical equivalent of the Nobel. Now Mumford has also won the Wolf Prize, given in Israel every year to a living scientist or artist for "achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples ... irrespective of nationality, race, colour, religion, sex or political views." Mumford's statement exemplified the purpose of the award, which carries with it a cash award of $100,000 (shared by the winners). Here is part of the statement, released the day after the prize was bestowed:
Mathematics in Israel flourishes today on [a] high international plane. Its lifeblood is the free exchange of ideas with scholars visiting, teaching, learning from each other, traveling everywhere in the world. But sadly this is not the case in occupied Palestine where education struggles to continue and travel is greatly limited. Therefore I have decided to donate my part of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics to the cause of helping the university community in occupied Palestine survive and flourish. Its continued existence affects crucially the opportunities and dreams of the next generation and specifically whether potential mathematicians there have the opportunity to join this international community of scholars.
For this reason, I am giving half my prize to the Israeli foundation 'Gisha' which works to further the right to education and freedom of movement of Palestinians and half to Birzeit University directly. (Notices of the AMS, September 2008, p. 919)


palestinians, free speech, universities, israel, science, smear

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