Jason Robo
Issue date: 8/27/08 Section: OPINION
The 2008 Bilderberg Conference (est. 1954) was held in Chantilly, Virginia from June 5th to the 8th. Bilderberg "comprises around 200 top elitists in government, banking, business, media and academia who meet annually in semi-secrecy and manipulate the world, yet are subject to little or no mainstream media scrutiny", as described in recent coverage on Prisonplanet.com. Bilderberg is a summit of shadowy organizations and clearly violates the 1799 Logan Act restricting unauthorized US citizens from negotiating foreign affairs. Among those who gather are mainstream media owners, war-criminal-extraordinaire Henry Kissinger (still guiding policy in the White House), Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, disgraced former World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz and elitist David Rockefeller, among many others from across the globe.
Rockefeller alone illustrates how much power is wielded by these men who are exempt from our laws. Bill Moyers described Rockefeller as "the unelected if indisputable chairman of the American Establishment... one of the most powerful, influential and richest men in America... the hub of a vast network of financiers, industrialists and politicians whose reach encircles the globe." David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission when he chaired the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Trilateral Commission envisions world government composed of three global sectors. Co-founders Greenspan and Volcker both became Federal Reserve Chairmen! Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, and Carter were also part of the Trilateral Commission. Groups such as these preempt our constitution.
Some believe the presidential race covered by the corporate media is of importance. American political contests and those worldwide are footnotes of Bilderberg's power and the media is absolutely corrupted (look up "left gatekeepers" on Google Images and read Ben Bagdikian's "Media Monopoly"). Politicians are merely a means to an end, a New World Order, which is inscribed on our dollar bills as "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM." CNN's Raw Story covered Obama's press entourage being duped into flying to Chicago, thinking Obama was on board. An outraged press was notified during takeoff and then Obama's spokesperson denied intentionally deceiving them to protect a "private meeting." Meanwhile, Obama flew into Northern Virginia, coincidentally while Bilderberg was taking place. It's no secret Obama rendezvoused with Mrs. Clinton that night.