Reddit served National Security Letter

Aug 21, 2008 12:41


Reddit, wtf is up with the all seeing eye? (

submitted 1 hour ago by AAjax to
redditcom Continued NSL abuses show FBI biased cannot police itself
reddit is a source for what's new and popular online vote on links that you like or dislike and help decide what's popular or submit your own ... - 21k

Note the reddit article above is GONE.

Here is the original
Continued NSL abuses show FBI biased, cannot police itself : Published: March 16, 2008

Reddit got served an NSL. FBI has all your records. (More inside) [Reddit keeps deleting this. Please keep on posting this] (

submitted 2 hours ago by hungrylizard to

hungrylizard 76 points 2 hours ago[-]

I worked for Condé Nast as a _ until . I can reveal that sometime last year, reddit got a National Security Letter (NSL) from FBI, requesting access to the reddit logs. Much to my dismay, instead of enlisting ACLU help, the reddit admins promptly handed over all the data. I left reddit in disgust, but due to the gag order that comes with the NSL, I was not able to tell you what happened.
I no longer can keep this a secret. So many of you may have become targets of FBI surveillance because of reddit admins' actions. If FBI identify my identity, I could be in serious legal trouble. But I still want all of you to know that instead of protecting your privacy, the reddit guys just handed your data over to the authorities.
The Internet Archive successfully fought off an NSL with the help of ACLU and EFF. reddit could've done the same if they wanted to.
I urge you to think twice before posting on reddit. The owners of reddit make money out of your submissions, but don't even have the decency to protect you from the long tentacles of the Patriot Act.
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