Myanmar and why they should fear us

May 12, 2008 14:43

Monday, 12 May 2008

By Pablo Ouziel

In the chaotic “west” it is often difficult to gain the attention of the public, but one must be committed to trying due to the severity of our current existential crisis. We are psychotic as a society, we have become so dumb and manipulable that we are truly being led towards digging our own grave and smiling while working. We cannot go on like this. We cannot pretend that we are a decent society with good intentions any longer. We are not! The “west” as a civilization is corrupt and decrepit, “we” are not the bearers of morality in the eyes of the “other” peoples. We are not an exemplary civilization which people admire and adulate. We are too arrogant and ignorant to realize, that we are seen by the “others” like the enemy, because “we” are.

As a collective of people, the “west” believes itself to be the holder of the truth, the one which understands what is good for the world. This “west” doesn’t exist however, it is a figment of our imagination, a division which has been indoctrinated to make us feel we are superior. Through “our” education systems, “our” media, “our” governments, “our” corporations, “our” art. We are so indoctrinated in industrialized information societies, that we regurgitate to each other the propaganda which is fed to us on a daily basis. This situation must change, because we are collapsing and it can only be reversed by the collective strength of the whole population. Otherwise we will be bombed out of our homes by those we so love to call terrorists. They are terrorists, but terror is what “we” are bringing to their lands and their homes, and that is why they are terrorizing “us”.

As peoples in industrialized information societies, we are looking at the world like a big videogame in which we can solve everyone’s problems because we are civilized. We are not! We have huge internal problems. Inside “our” walls, big CEO’s are earning $400 million for their exploits in the oil of other countries, while illegal immigrants are scrambling for work inside “our” factories. We have millions of people loosing their homes, while banks are being saved thanks to our taxes. If inside our walls, we are leaving our own people behind, we are watching our neighbors lose their jobs and doing little to help them. How can we expect those outside of our walls to trust us when we tell them we are going to help them?


myanmar, environment

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