Cui Bono?Washington Post Scrubs Friday Article That Cast Doubt on Reported 'Anthrax Killer' Case Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Selected Anthrax Quotes This is what George Tenet said in his book, At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA: “The most startling revelation from this intelligence success story was that the anthrax program had been developed in parallel to 9/11 planning. As best as we could determine, al-Zawahiri’s project had been wrapped up in the summer of 2001, when the al-Qaida deputy, along with Hambali, were briefed over a week by Sufaat on the progress he had made to isolate anthrax. The entire operation had been managed at the top of al-Qai’da with strict compartmentalization. Having completed this phase of his work, Sufaat fled Afghanistan in December 2001 and was captured by authorities trying to sneak back into Malaysia. Rauf Ahmad was detained by Pakistani authorities in December 2001. Our hope was that these and our many other actions had neutralized the anthrax threat, at least temporarily.”
This is what former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said: