Week Ten Drabbles

Apr 17, 2011 18:29

Welcome to the tenth week of the second round of
Moony and Padfoot's Last Drabble Writer Standing!

Whether you're new or whether you're a faithful reader, we want to thank you for coming here to read and vote. This contest relies on fabulous people like yourselves who take the few minutes to read and vote, and we couldn't do it ourselves!

Having said that, we are now down to the last three writers, and your vote counts more than ever!
Good luck deciding which one is your favourite and least favourite this week! I know we say that every week but, WOW! This week... Well, just read the three drabbles and you'll know what I mean.

Title: Aubade
Author: anothersaturday
Summary: During the First War, Remus leaves early in the morning for a mission.
Contains: A bit of angst?

Remus is trying to be quiet, Sirius can tell: socked feet falling tentatively on the carpets, slow fingers easing open dresser drawers. Sprawled on his stomach, nearly awake, Sirius listens and does not move.

He hasn’t asked where Remus is going. Experience has taught him that his questions will get no response, save for an irritated sigh, a murmur of You know I’m not meant to say. Sirius, when he is sent on a mission, tells Remus everything, even the bits that Dumbledore calls “strictly confidential.” Especially those bits.

Sirius opens his eyes. It’s early enough the room is still dark, but he can just make out Remus standing at the door, doing up his rucksack. His face looks wrong: all drawn and grey. Sirius recognizes this expression: he’s begun seeing it in the mirror, now the thrill of battle and secrets has begun to wear thin, now that he has stopped looking forward to the next fight and begun to wonder when this will all just end.

“Moony,” he says quietly, and Remus starts, eyes widening as he looks up.

“Sorry,” Remus whispers. “I tried not to wake you.” He pauses. “I’m, erm… going. Now.”

Sirius nods sleepily into the pillow. Inside his chest there are things twisting and blooming, candle-bright and acid, all sharp round the edges. “Yeah, sod off, then,” he murmurs. Remus smiles.

There’s no point asking where Remus is going. There’s no point asking when he’ll return: maybe he won’t. This is what they’ve signed on for. So Sirius says nothing, just watches as Remus flings the rucksack over one shoulder. In the darkened room, his face does not look like his own. “I’ll be back,” he says, and his voice is steady and sure: like he knows. Like it’s up to him at all.

Title: Go and Come Back
Author: eprime
Summary: Danger has always been their aphrodisiac of choice.
Contains: sexual situations, adult language

This is only Sirius' third mission and his first solo attempt: breaking and entering, finessing his way past some seriously dark magic, obtaining volatile materials, and most importantly, escaping undetected and unscathed. It'll almost be like making mischief at Hogwarts, though the stakes are considerably higher.

It's got them both randy as hell.

"You know it's rather mental to get off on danger so much, don't you, Black?"

Remus has his hand snaked up one leg of Sirius' y-fronts. He's got him by the balls, rolling them meditatively as Sirius pants beneath him.

"Whose dick is wedged between my arse cheeks, Lupin?"

"Oh, that. Does it bother you?" Remus' voice is cool and amused.

"Just stick it in me already. I'm fucking dying here."

"Tch. Patience, Black. A virtue you'll need for this little excursion."

"Who me?" Sirius scoffs. "That's for lesser mortals."

"Ah yes, there's the Black arrogance we all know and love."

Any retort Sirius intends to make is cut off as Remus presses two spit-slicked fingers into his arse. He gasps instead and slides his knees up the bed, splaying himself like a pinned butterfly.

"Pretty," Remus murmurs, leaning down to lick at one stiffened nipple then laughing as Sirius moans and arches into it.

"Bet you're jealous you aren't coming too." Sirius knows his retaliation is weak, but he really can't think too clearly now that Remus is finally stretching his pants to the side and pushing his cock into him with one steady thrust.

"I could light a candle, keep it burning in the window for you. Or..." Remus pounds him, shoving deep again and again. "I could fuck you so well you'll think only of getting back to me no matter what."

"Fuck." Sirius struggles to speak. "Let's...let's go with that last one."

Title: the end of the world as we know it
Author: whitmans_kiss
Summary: When what should have been a routine mission escalates into what will become the bloodiest battle of the First Wizarding War, two soldiers cling to what fleeting moments of life they find they might have left to them.
Contains: disturbing images, violence
Sirius feels more than he sees the spells cutting through the air, hissing offensive magic cast through the frenzy, driving faster until instinct is what drives him.

Remus is nearby, arms raised overhead, mouth twisting wordlessly around an incantation that breaks the knees of two Death Eaters beneath their robes, snapping their legs backwards as their screams drown out the sound of the shattering bones.

The masked bastards go down but not quick enough, reflexes taking over as a green light hurtles towards Remus through the corner of Sirius’ eyes, and he makes a mad lunge, slamming Remus into a muddied ditch, rolling to protect him.

Locked eyes and locked jaws, breaths so hard their bodies shake-though perhaps the shaking came before, neither of them know nor care-hard adrenaline coursing through their veins, great gulping shocks of infinite realization, the solid feel of flesh above and beneath them, gripping so tightly the friction of their fingers could spark a hundred candles alight.

Sirius gasps a last swallow of air before he bears his mouth down to Remus’, less of a kiss than a desperate communication, and they’ve never thought to do this before, but if he died without having done this-Sirius realizes he’d have died anyway if he hadn’t. It’s not so much a goodbye but a last chance; their eyes are open and both know that neither is afraid of death anymore.

Remus crushes him closer and a deranged shriek stains the air, contained explosions raining earth on their shoulders, crackling magic like black lightning overhead, seeping into the ground with the blood of their comrades streaked on their hands and faces.

And around them, the world was on its way to ending in a shower of sparks and fallen heroes, but they-they were alive

Please include the number of the drabble as well.
Writers, we encourage you to vote, but ask that you not vote for your own drabble.

Comments are screened--or they should be if I've done it correctly.

Voting will end on Wednesday, 20th April at 7:00pm Eastern Time (think Boston or Morgantown, WV.)

Happy reading!

week ten, drabbles, round two

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