Week Nine Drabbles

Apr 11, 2011 07:50

Early post this week as all drabbles are in!

We have four players remaining in Round Two and some fantastic drabbles to read. Voting will be difficult heading into our last couple of weeks!

The prompt this week was: first meeting, and the word prompt was 'shampoo'. Enjoy the drabbles!

Title: I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you
Author: escribo
Summary: love in a coffee shop (au)
Contains:  implications of overly complicated drink orders

Sirius tapped his fingers on the counter as he waited for his order, admiring the sight of the new barista cursing under his breath as he tossed away the drink he'd been working on and started over.  He was cute and Sirius caught the scent of him as he worked--soap and shampoo, so clean smelling that the man nearly squeaked.  Sirius liked that.

"Where's Alice today?" Sirius asked, just so that he could hear what the man sounded like.  "She knows I like extra foam."

"Are you asking for extra foam then?"

Glaswegian.  Sirius had a kink for a soft Scottish burr.  "If you don't mind."

"You could just order it like that."

"I wouldn't want to appear too prissy."  He wore his badge upside down so that it took Sirius a minute to work out his name.  "Remus."

"Too late for that buttercup.  Your drink's so fussy I half expected to see that you were on your way to yoga class."

Sirius chewed at his lip for a moment, debating.  James always said he was a bit of a masochist.  "Would you like to go out with me?"

"Are you serious?"

Sirius quirked a smile, resisting the obvious joke.

"Yes, yes.  I get it."  Remus pushed the cup with Sirius' name sprawled across it in block letters toward him, tapping the lid.  "You're Sirius.  Is this how you are in bed?"

"Do you want to find out?"

"I guess I'd better."

Title: #42285-C
Author: whitmans_kiss
Summary: Sirius Black, werewolf sympathizer, works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Beast Division, Werewolf Registry. Remus Lupin is a detained werewolf, brought in for mandatory branding of his registration number as per the newly-passed Code 180 regarding Werewolf Tracking and Identification.
Contains: AU, angst, disturbing images/themes

The iodine-soaked cotton leaves behind a streaked stain on the werewolf’s skin, the tincture’s sharp, chlorinated scent mingling with Lupin’s cheap shampoo to create an unnatural industrial smell that chokes Sirius’ nostrils; his hand slips, and the base of his palm strokes the flat expanse of Lupin’s smooth shoulder.

Lupin does not flinch.

“What’s your name?” Sirius asks him, although he's learned it already, briefed on the way down to the examination room, and sets down the cloth to pick up his wand. It is the least he can do, he thinks, to offer some humanity.

“Four-two-two-eight-five; C-type threat,” grits Lupin through a tense jaw, turning his head so that Sirius sees him clearly in profile, a steely resolve in his eyes that pierces through the fringe falling in front of them, and Sirius is struck with an unfamiliar urge to touch Lupin’s hair, stroke his neck-

Instead, he grips his wand tighter in his hand and ignores the way Lupin’s fingers close around the chains of his restraints as Sirius draws it up against his skin, pressing the tip against his spine before centering it on his shoulder.

Sirius leans forward, I'm sorry brushing alongside his lips against the shell of Lupin’s ear; he can’t close his eyes as a hoarse scream rents the air- traces four, two, two- overwhelmed by the sick-burnt flesh-scent of eight, five, C-

Lowering his wand, Sirius rests a shaking hand on Lupin’s arm and suddenly hates this, hates himself-

-Lupin does not flinch.

Title: Bad Influence
Author: anothersaturday
Summary: Pretty much from the start, Sirius is terrible news.

The first thing Sirius ever says to him, on the walk up to the dormitory after the Sorting, is, “Hullo, I’m Sirius Black.”  His voice is formal, polite, with the poshest accent Remus has ever heard in real life.

The second thing he says is, “So d’you fancy sneaking out, later?”

Someday, Remus will look back to this meeting and reckon he should have known all along.  Someday, years from now, he will whisper, laughing a bit, in Sirius’s ear, I should have seen from the first time we met that you’d only ruin my morals.  But in the moment, all Remus can do is swallow hard, panic fluttering like wings in his chest, and say, “Oh, but-no.  Won’t we get into trouble?”

Sirius snorts dismissively.  “Probably.  So?”  He looks Remus up and down, his gaze cool and pale-grey, and Remus flinches, a bit, because he can tell  that he is being judged and coming up lacking.

“Go on, then,” Sirius says, leaning in close enough for Remus to smell his shampoo.  He grins, showing sharp white incisors.  “Potter’s coming, I think wossname, the other one, he’s coming.  Don’t be a prat.”

And Remus has heard of being led astray; he knows that’s what’s happening to him now.  But he realizes with a thrill that he doesn’t particularly mind.  And what can he do?  He can only nod; unable to explain, even to himself, his willingness to follow where this strange black-haired boy will lead.

Author: eprime
Summary: AU. 1980. Queuing to see The Empire Strikes Back for the fifth time.
Contains: geekiness (The title is a transliteration of Shyriiwook (Wookiespeak)). It means - "It is your destiny!"

"You're definitely not Han Solo, mate. Sorry. I'm obviously a much better candidate than you."

"You can say that after what happens with Leia in this one? Their relationship is a perfect parallel for mine and Lily's!"

The good-looking boy snorted. "Yeah, Evans might be an utter shrew as well, but she's sure as hell no princess."

The speccy boy who looked as if his shampoo had seriously malfunctioned that morning glared. "Oi! That's my girl you're talking about!"

"You wish." The pretty one smirked.

"To be fair, the other day she did call him a stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder," their short, plump friend piped up.

"See! Thank you, Pete! I am to Han Solo as Lily is to Leia. We're destined."

Remus couldn't help himself. "Er, excuse me."

The boys standing together in the line in front of him turned, eyes going wide as they took in his full body Chewbacca costume.

"I like Leia, but it's obvious that Han and Chewie are the real soulmates in this story." He pulled off the headpiece and tucked it under one arm as he grinned at them. "They'd definitely do anything for each other."

The pretty one smirked again. "Good point, er..."

"Remus. Remus Lupin." Remus held out a shaggy hand, and the boy took it with a laugh. Their eyes held.

"Sirius Black."

"Oh grand, here we go," the speccy one muttered.

"You can always be Lando," the short one said sympathetically. "He thinks he's smooth with the ladies too."

Comments are screened. Please include both the number and title of your favourite and least favourite drabble in your vote. Participants, you are encouraged to vote, but please don't vote for your own drabble.

Happy Reading! :)

week nine, team moony, team padfoot, drabbles, round two

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