In every contest, there must be a winner. And there must also be a non-winner. I am here to announce who is the lucky winner--and the not-so-lucky non-winner.
Our winner for Week Eight, with the drabble, "A Brief Instructional Primer on Certain Persistent Werewolf Myths" is
Cheers! Whistles! Applause!
The person who won't be going on is yet another person we're really going to miss. We're sorry to have to say goodbye to
chlare, who wrote, "One Foot in the Door".
Cheers! Applause! Pats of consolation!
I know it probably won't help much, but I don't think we've ever had a week in which so many people said they hated to pick a least favourite. Everyone said how wonderful all five drabbles were, so all of the writers need to pat themselves on the back for a job well done!
I didn't get the banners done (*bad, procrastinating mod is procrastinating badly*) but those should be along soon. In the meantime, watch for next week's prompt post!