Week Eight Drabbles!

Apr 03, 2011 19:20

Hello, all!

We've got five--count 'em--FIVE fabulous drabbles for you to peruse and vote on! I'm not gonna stretch out the introduction any more, because I know you can't wait to see what our writers have come up with this week.

Genre/Cliche: Everybody Knows What the Full Moon Does to a Werewolf's Libido
Word Prompt: fervent/fervently
Word Count: Up to 300 words

Title: A Brief Instructional Primer on Certain Persistent Werewolf Myths
Summary: Some people will believe anything.
Contains: some fairly mild allusions to sexytiems, though with this prompt I think that's probably a given!

After, Sirius stares at him, eyes wide and silvery in the darkness of 12 Grimmauld Place’s master bedroom. “Fucking hell, Moony,” he grins. “What’s got into you?”

Remus cringes. He has no explanation for his behavior: it’s quite unlike him, practically leaping on Sirius and summarily initiating at least five acts that, in the old days, Sirius often suggested but Remus always refused on the grounds that they were perverse, unnatural, and not actually practiced by anyone outside of blue movies. The impulse came from nowhere and now it’s out of his system he feels awkward, suddenly self-conscious.

“Oh,” Sirius blurts, revelation dawning in his eyes. “Oh, I know. It’s the moon.”

The non sequitur startles Remus out of his discomfiture. “What?” He blinks. “The moon-"

Sirius looks at him like he’s gone mad, which, to be fair, is certainly possible. “The moon,” he repeats. “S’almost full. It makes your lot get all… you know.”

Where’d you hear that rubbish? Remus almost asks. Then he remembers, and can’t stop himself exploding into laughter. Sirius squints at him, nonplussed.

“You never believed that?” Remus snorts, when he can speak again. “Sirius, honestly. I only told you that back at school because I was trying for a shag.”

“Oi!” Sirius gapes. “Crafty bastard! I did believe it, though.”

“I’d no idea you were so gullible.”

“Shut up! Wasn’t to know, m’not a… werewolfologist.”

“I can understand believing me when we were teenagers, but you might’ve seen through it by now."

Sirius rolls onto his side, flinging a lazy arm across Remus’s chest. “Oh, get stuffed, werewolf,” he drawls sleepily, but he’s smiling into Remus’s shoulder. Remus buries his answering smile in Sirius’s hair, feeling a bit drowsy himself though his heart is racing: perilously, fervently; all alight with this simple happiness.

Title: Help
Summary: Remus finds he needs a little help from his friends
Contains: naked Sirius

"I could help you."

"With what?"

"Your little problem."

"I've no idea what you're talking about," Remus says, though he does. His cock is already rock hard, having come to attention the moment Sirius had come in to their room.

"No?" Sirius takes off his shirt, tossing it toward his open trunk, and Remus tries very hard not to watch. He also tries to ignore Sirius when he flicks open the button on his trousers, pushing them down to reveal jutting hip bones and the trail of dark hair low on his belly.

It's only been within the last couple of weeks since this particular side effect of his lycanthropy had developed into something a bit more distracting than the ache in his joints. A strained and immensely embarrassing conversation with Madame Pomfrey had determined that it's probably normal for young werewolves to have an increased sexual appetite and there's nothing to be done for it, though the resulting talk on precautionary charms makes his cheeks burn even now.

Of course, it's completely Remus' own fault for confiding all this to Sirius, a moment's indiscretion that he fervently regretted.

"C'mon Moony," Sirius whispers as he crawls onto Remus' bed. "I wanna help."

"Help. Right." Remus tries to force a laugh as if it's all a joke but finds it hard to sound completely disinterested. He sits up further on his bed, his book falling to the floor, as a very naked Sirius comes closer.

"I can smell you, you know." Sirius slips his hand beneath Remus' robe. "Pheromones. I read all about them. Canines have particularly sensitive noses. Can you smell me, too?"

"Yeah," Remus finally says as he reaches for Sirius, giving in because what are friends for if not to lift a helping hand.

Title: One Foot in the Door
Summary: Remus greets Sirius after a long day.
Contains: One blowjob, shaken, not stirred.

"Couldn't you have taken the afternoon off, Pads?" Remus gave a canine-like whine against Sirius' throat before slithering lower.

"'Dung had the stupid idea to run after we jinxed him so he couldn't Disapparate - mmm, Merlin, Moony that feels good... So we were running around half the afternoon... It's not our anniversary or something, is it?" Remus already had Sirius' trousers open.

"Definitely not our anniversary, Mr. Padfoot. Otherwise, you would not be getting this fantastic blowjob for forgetting."

"Huh. Not my birthday... Oh, fuck, Moony...Not your birthday..."

Remus smirked at Sirius' heavy panting and looked up at him from his spot on his knees.

"What am I missing, you fucking gorgeous, randy werewolf?" Remus could feel Sirius' fingers tightening their hold in his hair. He laughed and sucked more fervently around Sirius' prick.

"Merlin, Moony, just tell me!"

Remus slid off Sirius with a resounding pop of suction. "Haven't looked at a calendar lately, have you?"

"Calen- Oh, god, is it almost the full moon? That's why you practically jumped me when I came through the Floo?" Sirius questioned, looking down with confused but very pleased eyes.

"Might be..." There was further sucking until Sirius was babbling apologies and getting that guilty look on his face.

Remus chuckled and nuzzled Sirius' groin before settling back on his haunches. "Actually, full moon was last week, Pads. I guess you don't remember my being this horny for you when there's not a moon coming, huh?" Remus continued stroking Sirius as he spoke, hand tightening as Sirius started to lose it.

"Mmm... Might've been awhile? R-refresh my memory?" Sirius groaned, and Remus snorted at his glazed look.

Oh, my work here is done, Remus thought as he gave a wolfish grin and swallowed Sirius until he was spilling into Remus' mouth.

Title: The Path of Desire
Summary: Remus really turns Sirius on.
Contains: a little sexy talk

Every month was the same. The handful of days before the full, Remus wanted nothing more than to collapse on his bed after classes and stare at the mysterious green patch growing underneath the nearest window.

Unfortunately, Sirius always had other ideas.

"Give it a rest, Sirius," Remus sighed wearily.

"Make me." His hips were tucked up behind Remus' arse, and he could feel Sirius' full arousal as he rubbed against him with slow, languid movements.

Remus' brow furrowed. "You know I can't."

"Yeah." Sirius sounded smug. "I know." His fingers slid up under Remus' shirt to tap at a nipple. "I love you like this--all delicate and weak and completely at my mercy."

"Fuck you." Remus hated being called delicate. He'd heard it most of his life from his parents and healers and random condescending busybodies. Still, when Sirius said it so fervently…

"It's sexy." Sirius' lips brushed against the nape of Remus' neck. "I can do anything I want to you, and you can't stop me."

Despite himself, Remus felt a sharp pang bloom low in his belly that made him have to fight back a revealing shudder.

"You sound like one of my mum's romance novels."

Teeth brushed his skin as Sirius grinned. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Being held down like one of those birds in those books and taken hard."

Remus' eyes fluttered a little and he half-heartedly tried to shift away from Sirius' thrusting hips.

Sirius only held him tighter. "That's exactly what I'm going to do a few days from now. You'll say no, no, no at first, but I'll pin you down and drill into you until you're begging me for it."

"Pervert." Remus bit down on his bottom lip. He'd forgotten all about the moon.

"Yeah, but you like it."

Title: Pressed
Summary: Managing the wolf before full moons takes everything Remus has, draining him physically and mentally. He can't give what Sirius wants, and although Sirius understands, sometimes he just can't help himself.
Contains: Post-Hogwarts, sexual situations, brief language

The bedroom door opens and closes with a soft snick, a large body crossing the floor to the bed, interrupting the long shadows cast from the nearly-full moon through the Venetian blinds.

Remus is in bed, stretched out underneath the quilt, Sirius’ pillow held loosely against his chest.

“Sirius…” Remus’ voice is tired, heavy, edged with breathy relief as the pillow is nudged aside and Sirius climbs in behind him on top of the blankets, not bothering to remove his shoes.

“I’m back,” Sirius whispers hoarsely between open kisses sucked onto the back of Remus’ neck, “And I- missed you, Moony- three days without you in fuck-knows-where, Lithuania- no privacy for anything, a wank-”

Sirius’ hands press along his sides to settle on his waist, pushing him back so that he can feel the outline of Sirius’ thick erection hard against him. A damp lust spills automatically through Remus, though it is more sleepy instinct dulled to nearly nothing by the moonlight playing across his vision and his bed, the thrill of Sirius’ return not quite reaching his groin.

They rock together, spooned as they are, slow as Sirius murmurs fervent breaths against his shoulder, faster as the friction frustrates him, Remus unable to respond, a hollow sort of guilt howling through him over a side-effect of a curse he cannot control.

When finally the effort becomes too much and both acknowledge that the pull of the moon is stronger than the pull of desire running through him, Sirius rolls away from Remus with a grunt, pushing a hand down the front of his trousers as Remus turns to face him, wanting to give a kiss if he can’t give anything else. But a half-stifled expletive silences the effort, and it’s three more days before both can be satisfied.

Unfortunately, someone's torch will have to be extinguished this week.
Please include the number of the drabble as well.
Writers, we encourage you to vote, but ask that you not vote for your own drabble.

Comments are screened--or they should be if I've done it correctly.

Voting will end on Wednesday, 6th April at 7:00pm Eastern Time (think Philadelphia or Washington, D.C.)

Happy reading!

week eight, drabbles, round two

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