Mar 20, 2011 18:20

We've 'collared' some great drabbles for everyone this week! Our drabble writers have gone above and beyond the 'coll-ar' duty (call-of-duty/coll-ar-duty--get it?), and have really 're-leashed' their creativity.


Title: Bad Taste
Summary: Sirius's new look is completely tacky and ridiculous, but it maybe seems like Remus doesn't really mind.
Contains: Fluffiness, kind of half-assed breathplay

If there is pain, it’s the good kind: pressed back hard against the stone wall in that empty fourth-floor corridor, with Remus all teeth, hot whimpering breath, fingers slipping up under Sirius’s collar; jerking, every now and then, just hard enough to make Sirius choke on air, just enough to make him breathless.

When Remus pulls away at last, his cheeks are all flushed. “Um,” he mutters. “Sorry. Too much?”

Sirius blinks, raising his own fingers to trace the edge of the spiked collar round his neck. “Oh,” he gulps. “That, that. That was.” Remus’s blush deepens. “So, d’you still reckon it makes me look like a-what was it?”

“A daft schoolboy grasping desperately yet ineffectually at Muggle punk-rock cred,” Remus recites. “I think that’s what I said. And yes, that’s exactly how you look with that ridiculous thing on.”

Sirius harrumphs, but he can’t stop himself reaching out till his fingers twist in the wool of Moony’s school jumper. As Sirius pulls him close again he is laughing. “Mind,” Remus says, “daft-schoolboy is a look that suits you.” And maybe Sirius should get annoyed at that, but just now he has better things to do.

Title: Early Morning Explanations
Summary: AU where the boys are raising Harry, who still needs a little reassurance about his family from time to time.
Contains: Implied bondage. Collars, natch.

Harry pointed at Sirius' throat as he bounded onto the bed. "What's that, Sirius?"

A sex toy, Sirius thought, gulping and feeling the collar rub against his skin. "Remus!" he called, a little too panicky. Harry was five, surely this was still Remus' area?

"It's, uhh, for when I'm Padfoot. So they don't take me off to animal control." Sirius fibbed believably. Remus appeared in their bedroom doorway, smirking.

"Oh. That's good. I don't want Padfoot getting taken away. You should wear it all the time. Just in case." Harry was nodding seriously.

Sirius groaned inwardly. "Yeah, Harry, you're probably right. I'll do that. Now go steal Moony's pancakes." Moony, who was still trying not to chortle from the door.

It wasn't really his habit to wear a collar, but from Harry's gaze, Sirius could see it was something more, security maybe; the idea that no one else would be taken from him like his parents. Sirius might find himself with a stiffy if he caught Remus looking at it too long in public, but Sirius wouldn't deny Harry that security for all the embarrassingly tented trousers in the world.

"You need those ones on your wrists too?"

Remus guffawed.

Title: I Belong to Moony
Summary: Sirius steels himself to the facts and makes a decision - but it's for the best, isn't it?
Contains: angst, sexual images, 1981

Sirius brought his knuckles up to brush the collar at his neck. Two years ago, it had been a gift, in lieu of a ring; suitable, funny.

The softened leather at the back had been worn by Remus’ hands, curled tightly around it while Sirius bent on his hands and knees. The brass tags mocked him now with their engraving - “I BELONG TO MOONY” shouted in capital letters, chanted as Remus thrust into him over again, shuddered into sheets soaked with sweat and come.

But the piling evidence of a traitor in the Order weighed heavily on him, phantom fingers on his collar choking Sirius now as Remus was further implicated. Gulping down the rest of his drink as though it would force more conviction from him, Sirius finally had to admit that using himself as James’ Secret-Keeper might prove dangerous; a hysterical laugh threatened to bubble forth at the bitter thought of sleeping with the enemy.

Sirius paid, and pushing past a waitress adjusting ­Halloween decorations, stepped into the fireplace by the bar. It broke him to Floo James about this, but something had to be said before the Fidelius was completed, as a mistake could kill them all.

Title: Never Mind the Bollocks
Summary: The summer after they’ve left Hogwarts, Sirius discovers The Clash and Remus discovers war. Luckily, they then discover each other.
Contains: language

"What's this then?"

Sirius lifts his chin when Remus slips two fingers through the D-Ring of Sirius’ collar and gives it a tug. "An expression of my youthful rebellion.”


"Someone needs to uphold all our dearly held anti-authoritarian ideologies whilst you're running about the countryside saving Wizarding kind.”

"Is that what I'm doing?"

"I wouldn't know, would I? Damned secret missions being secret.”

"Does it bother you?" Remus asks.

"That Dumbledore sends you out more than the rest of us? Yes,” Sirius admits. He pulls Remus close--closer--another confession already spilling from him. “Though not for the reasons you think.

"Dare I ask?"

It takes Sirius a minute to answer, and even then he looks down--away--embarrassed to give voice to things they’ve never talked about before. "Because I worry about you."

"Fucking poseur. I knew this was an act." Remus gives Sirius' collar another tug.

Sirius cups Remus' cheek as they kiss, even though it's too hot and sticky to do more than share gulping breaths and the single bed. They're still both half hard when Sirius rolls them onto their sides and puts his arms around Remus to hold him close.

Title: Sanctify My Pain
Summary: Hold me fast, and guide me in the narrow way; so, with thee beside me, I shall never stray.
Contains: intimations of a D/s relationship

It had been two silent weeks since the letter had come about Regulus. It hadn't stopped raining for days, and for once Sirius was glad of it. He came home from aimless walks dripping, and Remus silently helped him into dry clothes, placed hot tea in front of him, which Sirius gulped down, tasting none of it.

On the day it finally stopped raining, Sirius went to Remus, kneeling between his legs and holding up the collar without words. When warm fingers tipped his chin up and buckled the soft leather around his throat, Sirius' chest hitched. Remus pulled him into his lap, his fingertips closing Sirius' eyes as they brushed over the delicate, blue-veined skin of his eyelids.

"My beautiful boy." The touch whispered over his cheekbones.

"It's all my fault." Sirius choked out the accusing thought.

Remus' fingers slipped gently between the collar and Sirius' throat. His pulse throbbed against the press of fingertips.


The word hit like a physical blow and Sirius’ eyes flew open.

Remus met his hurt gaze with a tenderness so deep Sirius' heart ached all the more.

"Because of you he was brave enough to leave. You showed him how."

Sirius wept.

Title: Stripped
Summary: Azkaban is defined by the absence of touch.
Contains: Azkaban-induced angst

He was stripped, in Azkaban, and the collar's absence felt like chains.

It hadn't had much significance, to start; just a wink and a nudge
among friends who knew his secret. Nights, though, the feeling of
Remus' fingers tracing his skin and the leather, leaving marks he knew
would be hidden in daylight, made it more. Made it theirs.

When he transformed among the damp stones, he was a stray: no mark of
ownership around his neck, no one to whom he belonged. To whom he
had belonged. It was the only freedom he didn't crave; that
gentle weight, there even when Remus wasn't.

Sometimes (often), he let his fingers trail along his neck, his
shoulder, pretending they were not his own, fluttering his eyes
closed. He tried to ignore the salty stench in the air even as he
gulped great lungfuls, his breathing uneven despite the inadequacy of
the illusion.

Inadequate because nothing could replace the feeling of being touched,
bound by skin and black leather, his.

Title: The Width of a Circle
Summary: Nothing fair about it, not in the least, not for Sirius.
Contains: A severe lack of naked!Hagrid.

There was nothing fair about it - hadn’t been from the moment Sirius had put paid to James’ good-natured teasing forever.

They were alone in the room, him and Remus, and Sirius could feel the old bravado leaking out of his ears. Remus might look nervous, panicked even, but Sirius was feeling it worse. Had to be. The nerves were ruthless, shivering through to the tips of his fingers and the stupid collar clutched within them.

Half full of fear, half desire, Sirius swallowed hard. He should leave before Remus noticed the collar. He’d grabbed it from James for a laugh, just to see the look on his face. Didn’t seem near as brilliant now.

And then Remus glanced down, and it was too late. When he looked up, something new was in his eyes: something knowing, something bolder. When his hand darted out, Sirius flinched - but when their fingers tangled together, fear gave way to something softer.

Remus released him with a final squeeze and a smile, the collar looped like a bracelet around his wrist.

Sirius gulped.

There was nothing fair about it.

Comments are screened. Please include both the number and title of
your favourite and least favourite fic in your vote. That's ONE favourite and ONE least favourite. Participants, you are encouraged to vote, but please don't vote for your own drabble. Otherwise, we'll sic a naked Hagrid on you.

Happy Reading! :)

drabbles, week six, round two

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