Week One Drabbles

Feb 15, 2011 09:51

Round Two, Week One drabbles are up! We're fielding full teams for this first week so, we have sixteen brilliant drabbles to read and vote on. Without further ado…

Team Padfoot

Title: Sunday Morning
Author: gorthead
Summary: James’ forgetfulness leads to an unexpected discovery.
Contains: Gratuitous fluff

He didn’t hear the door clicking open, followed by the quick footsteps crossing the dusty floorboards. Nor did he notice the sudden silence as James came to an abrupt stop between Remus’ bed and his own, the hangings open just a crack. James’ hand hovered in the air, frozen in its trajectory to the textbook he’d forgotten to take with him to the library. It wasn’t even the funny kind of strangled sound that James made, lacking a more coherent response, which caught his attention.

Despite the noise, Sirius remained oblivious to anything but Remus’ deep breathing, the shadow of his lashes on his cheeks, and the soft hair playing between Sirius’ fingers - that is, until James managed to compose himself enough to say, quite loudly in the silence of the room, “Hi?” It came out distinctly a question, as though he wasn’t sure whether he was saying hello or checking he wasn’t hallucinating. Sirius’ head jerked up, eyes wide. All he could think to do was put his finger to his lips and shush James, worried that he would wake Remus. The change two nights earlier had been particularly difficult, even with Padfoot’s presence, and it had taken Sirius’ near constant badgering to get him back into bed after a late Sunday breakfast.

James’ expression softened, and he nodded, smiling gently as he tiptoed out of the room. Sirius, reassured, kissed Remus lightly on the forehead and relaxed back into him, closing his eyes and breathing in the sunshine.

Title: You and me still have it all here.
Author: katie_padfoot
Summary: ‘Hermione nods once, face shocked as she leaves. Remus sighs.’
Contains:nothing - just a kiss. (wait, no swearing?! That isn’t like me!)

Remus’ body is beautiful - back stretched out and muscles taut under silky skin. His shirt disappeared somewhere between frantic reunion sex and the shower and thankfully hasn’t reappeared which suits me just fine. Especially when he’s half asleep and oblivious to my gaze. Usually he’s too self conscious for me to really look, really appreciate him, but right now he’s lay out on sofa in the half light. For once his shoulders are relaxed instead of hunched as he tries to hide the scars even though he knows I’ve seen them a million times before. It’s kind of perfect and as my hands slip up the planes of his back he mewls quiet, content.

“C’mere” he whispers, still sleepy but there’s no hesitation as he turns to face me, eyes shut and mouth puckered. The kiss that follows is natural, soft, passionate - just like always, and like always I send a silent prayer of thanks to whatever deity brought me back to him, this.

“What’re you doing?” the question is almost accusatory as Hermione stands in the doorway.

Remus is suddenly alert and handles the situation because he knows I can’t, never could. The words are quiet as he points out that it’s quite obvious what we were doing. That we’ll explain properly tomorrow to the three of them because they deserve it (especially Harry.) Hermione nods once, face shocked as she leaves. Remus sighs.

Tomorrow will be awkward, but it’ll be okay, because it always is - in the end.

Title: What Would Mummy Say?
Author: ali_wilde
Summary: An early morning visit from Bellatrix
Contains: bad language

What Would Mummy Say?

Bellatrix Black smiled. It was a smile that Sirius remembered from his childhood. A smile she used just before she hexed his owl or dumped a roof’s worth of snow on his head.

He sat up and ensured the blankets covered him from the waist down. Remus grumbled in his sleep and curled his hand around Sirius’ thigh, but stayed asleep, oblivious to the danger.

“Well…” Bella sat on Sirius’ desk. “Interesting.”

“Go away, Bella.” Sirius’ bedroom at home didn’t often entertain females, and he wondered why it was now.

“I don’t want to.”

“Fuck off.” Obviously being nice wasn’t going to work. But being rude probably wasn’t a good idea either. “Please.”

“Tut tut, sweetie. What would Mummy say if she heard that language?”

Sirius rolled his eyes. His mother would have a whole lot to say, he knew that much. Not to mention what his father would say when Bella told them about the rest of her discovery.

“Like I care. What are you doing here anyway?”

“Visiting your parents.”

“Not here. Here.” Sirius stressed.

Remus’ hand slid up Sirius’ thigh, his fingers brushing Sirius’ balls. Sirius gasped and closed his eyes. “Why are you in my bedroom?”

Bella laughed. “To wake you, darling. Regulus is already downstairs, socialising with his Aunt and Uncle. He’s such a good boy.”

“You don’t like good boys, Bella.”

“You know me so well, Sirius. We’re two of a kind.” Bella sat on the bed. “I, too, have a weakness for werewolves.”

Title: Subtly Busted
Author: writerofictions
Summary: Sirius and Remus are sneaking back to Gryffindor tower after a bit of late snogging. They are, naturally, busted before they can pull it off.
Contains: Hints of prior snogging.

The hallway was blissfully quiet, the only sound to be heard the very faint echoes of their shoes on the stone floor as they crept along. Normally the Marauders all traveled together, but tonight only Sirius and Remus navigated the corridors heading for Gryffindor tower. It was quite a walk from the astronomy tower, and as they wondered with lightly entangled fingers Sirius wiped at his kiss swollen bottom lip and froze.

“Shh,” he hissed, pausing to stare further down the corridor, swearing he heard something. “I think someone is coming.”

Remus, who was normally twitchy, just stood there looking rather dazed. A bit of snogging, Sirius thought, and he’s gone daft.

Down the corridor came the sound again, someone shuffling along, and Sirius jumped. “I told you someone is coming,” he whispered, glancing around. Whoever was coming was turning the corner and Sirius gave a great shove, pushing Remus through the open door of a classroom and out of sight.

McGonagall appeared then, wand lighting the corridor brightly. “Black? What are you doing here? Ten points from Gryffindor and upstairs with you!”

Sirius, silently thankful Remus wasn’t caught, grinned sheepishly and started by when she spoke up again. “Do you think I’m oblivious, Lupin? Ten more points, and for shame! You’re a prefect!”

“Sorry,” Remus squeaked, emerging from classroom looking thoroughly embarrassed and disheveled.

Glancing between them, McGonagall just sighed. “I don’t even want to know. To bed with you both.” She paused. “And I mean your own beds.”

Title: Together
Author: escribo
Summary: Sirius’ habit gets them into trouble
Contains: wandering hands and tests against brotherly love

It’d been only a moment’s indiscretion; though, as Remus liked to point out, Sirius rather made a career out of carelessness. A kiss in the library stacks, his hand on Remus’ thigh beneath the table as they sat at dinner, his fingers inching down the waistband of Remus’ trousers as Sirius pressed Remus against a wall in a passageway that they’d thought was more secret than it turned out to be. That last witnessed by Sirius’ brother, which while unfortunate, was not the end of the world (he’d argue to Remus later as there wasn’t time for arguments at that particular moment).

“Sirius Black,” Regulus drawled, managing to sound both amused and scandalized at the same time. “What would mother say?”

It’s not like it happened all that often. They’d been more careful ever since they’d got caught having it off in an empty classroom by a properly shocked Evans. She’d got over her surprise quickly enough, but somehow Sirius didn’t think his brother would be as understanding.

“Reggie,” Sirius called casually, as if he could often be found down dark halls with his hand down another boy’s trousers. “How is dear old mum?”

“She’ll be nearly apoplectic when she hears about this.”

“Perhaps it would be best if she remained oblivious,” Remus said as he eased away from Sirius only just enough to reach his wand.

“Do you know, Moony, that’s not a bad idea.”

“Do you think?”



“On the count of three.”

“One. Two. Three--OBLIVIATE!”

Title:Life before his eyes
Author: naturegirlrocks
Summary:Sirius is falling through the veil
Contains: implications of sex

”Avada Kadervra!”

Bitch thinks Sirius, blood and adrenaline still beating in his temples.

Regulus screams. Sirius eyes are fixed on the boy on the other side of the table. Patched robes, scared nose and blue eyes. And oblivious how he just changed a life forever.

Padfoot whimpers. Even a dog can fell the despair coming through the stones. The best thing about Padfoot is that he sleeps. His paws are twitching. A white wolf is running beside him.

Harry cries. Small baby in his arms, Lily’s green eyes. Young teen is holding him tightly, James’s black hair. And looking up, behind the boy, Remus is smiling - his mouth forming silent words of love.

Remus gasps. Young skin, scared skin, bare chest, hairy chest, big irises, a thin line of blue around black pupils, soft cheeks, stubble - everything is Remus as Sirius pounds his hips deeper.

He burns. It feel s like fire is eating his skin, pulling him back, going through his body destroying every nerve in its path. Burning hands are grabbing for him. Sirius screams out the only word that he ever wanted on his lips as he dies. Remus!

Sirius’s lips are covered with the kiss of life. He lets his tongue wrap around another. Two bodies clings to each other in front of a mysterious veil.

The amphitheatre is full of people staring at them.

“Don’t look now,” he rasps up at Remus tear soaked, but smiling, face. “But I think we have been caught out.”

Title: They Condemn What They Do Not Understand
Author: lotherington
Summary: Remus and Sirius are less than discreet one night in Grimmauld Place.
Contains: Language, Angst

It took an entire afternoon of Sirius’s muttering and general drunken nastiness, but it happened. Remus snapped. He grabbed Sirius’s wrists in one large, scarred hand, pinning him to the wall of the library in Grimmauld Place with his hips and his glare. ‘Don’t,’ he growled, baring his teeth, and Sirius could see that his eyes were dark and hard, the pupils blown wide. Remus loved a bit of power. ‘Don’t fucking push me any more, Sirius. I’m doing everything I can.’

Sirius’s heart thumped in his chest as he looked at Remus, taking in his clenched jaw, the vein in his temple that ticked. ‘It’s not enough,’ he murmured cruelly, wanting a reaction, wanting to feel. Remus bit down on his neck and his blood sang.

‘It’s all you’ve got,’ Remus snarled into Sirius’s ear, shoving Sirius back into the wall, his head slamming into it. He hissed and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. Yes. Remus surged forwards and pushed his lips against Sirius’s, kissing him with a violent energy born out of years of frustration and anger and loving someone so much it ached.

‘Lupin!’ a voice snapped, followed by the sound of someone coming into the library. ‘Lupin, where are you? I haven’t got all--’ Sirius shoved Remus - stupid, oblivious, perfect Remus - back. Snape trailed off at the sight of the two of them; chests heaving, lips swollen, the angry red bite mark on Sirius’s neck, and raised one eyebrow. He licked his lips. ‘Well, well.’

Title: Hindsight
Author: whitmans_kiss
Summary: In hindsight, Sirius reflected, using James' tie was probably not the best idea.
Contains: light bondage

In hindsight, Sirius reflected, using James’ tie was probably not the best idea if they’d wanted their relationship to stay quiet.

In his defense, however, he and Moony only had four ties between them, and while that was enough for the extremities, the question of the blindfold still remained. Not trusting where Petey’s ties had been and already knowing the counter-charm to the lock on James’ trunk, convenience trumped what Sirius would later realize was sense.

They could have transfigured the pillowcase into a tie, but that would have required more effort than Sirius wanted to exert with a naked and restrained Moony waiting for him.

Climbing back into bed with the pilfered tie and pulling the hangings shut behind him, Sirius grinned wickedly as he made to secure the blindfold.

Oblivious to anything outside of the cocoon of the bed hangings, neither Sirius nor Remus noticed when the door to the dormitory opened and a hurried, half-dressed James stumbled in, grunting something about Quidditch practice ending early and Evans loitering about the Greenhouses, and would you happen to know where my tie is, Remus, pull your curtains back and your nose out of your book for one second and - oh, fuck this, accio tie!

Although, Sirius considered, it was James’ own fault for not specifying which tie, and if the flash of Moony’s arse as he fell zooming through the curtains with the ties was anything of a moral, at least it proved that hindsight is twenty / twenty.

Team Moony

Title: Discovery
Author: anothersaturday
Summary: After being caught out by Regulus, Remus is as surprised by Sirius's reaction as he is by his own.
Contains: A bit of bad language. Tsk tsk, Sirius!

And after all the months of secrecy, of watching his words and barely even daring to look at Sirius in public, it shocks Remus a bit how little he actually minds being found out. It is hard not to laugh aloud, giddy with relief.

But Sirius is pacing the astronomy tower, glaring thunderously at the door which, only a moment ago, slammed open and then quickly shut. His shirt is still half-unbuttoned, his robes disheveled. “Fuck,” he breathes. He stops in his tracks, running one hand through his hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“You said you didn’t care if anyone knew, though,” Remus points out. “It was me worried about-“

“Don’t be stupid,” Sirius spits. “I didn’t care if James and Pete knew, Moony, but that was Reg-“

Remus winces. “Do you think he’ll… um, tell?”

“Hmm, dunno,” Sirius snorts, fixing Remus with an impatient gaze, as though incredulous anybody could be so oblivious to the inevitable. “I ‘spect he’s owling them back home right now.”

“But-“ But you said you didn’t care, Remus thinks, and You’re meant to be the one who isn’t bothered what anybody thinks. He knows he is being petty but he can’t help it: he feels disappointed, somehow betrayed. “It will be alright,” he manages at last. Sirius just rolls his eyes.

“It’ll be alright,” Remus repeats, but suddenly he is not sure. Sirius, stripped of his bravado, resumes pacing. Remus glances up at the moon above them, and wonders why he should feel so lost.

Title: Tugging Out a New Leaf
Author: chlare
Summary: Post-Hogwarts, Pre-Azkaban. Sirius has worn collars in public before but this time turns out a little differently.
Contains: One collar, one pushy James and five friends.

The pub overflows with their friends' laughter, the clink of glasses, but Remus' eyes keep returning to the comfortable smile and booming laugh in Sirius' direction. Sirius' body is surprisingly relaxed and pliant, his tanned forearms bare against the crisp white of his 'casually' rolled up shirtsleeves. This newly calm, more muscular Auror Sirius makes Remus' eyes stray even more.

Not to mention the sturdy leather collar lounging at Sirius' throat.

He wears it effortlessly. It's not as though he hasn't worn one in front of their friends before, but this one isn't mere fashion. It isn't some trinket, it’s not casual. And Remus is grateful for the hand folded into his under the table, reassuring him that it's not casual for Sirius either.

"Oi, what's it say, Pads?" James is so quick, already hooking Seeker's fingers into the inscribed collar to pull Sirius over so he can see, while Peter and Lily scramble to catch drinks before James' curiosity gives them lapfuls of butterbeer. Remus' hackles raise involuntarily at the innocently intimate touch.

There's no mistaking the shiver that slithers through Sirius at James' sudden tug, though, even in the dim pub. Remus instinctively digs his fingers hard into Sirius' thigh to make them both settle. He feigns calm at James' no longer oblivious, currently wide eyes, but Remus' breathing catches anyway.

"Glad to see you finally got him by the balls, Moony," James smirks finally, laughter erupting from everyone as Sirius goes red, privately squeezing Remus' hand tightly.

Title: Triptych
Author: eprime
Summary: It was a bit of a tradition, really.
Contains: sexual situations, light swearing

"Filthy little buggers!"

Spittle flew from Filch's mouth.

"The Headmaster! Now! Nasty rotters will finally get..."

Tuning out Filch's rant, Remus risked a glance at Sirius, watching him deftly refasten his buttons, chin lifting to do up his tie. Sirius shot him a sidelong smirk as Filch stomped away muttering about unnatural acts and thumbscrews.

A ridiculous smile spread over his face. Getting his first kiss, losing his virginity, and receiving a declaration of love in one day, not even the threat of expulsion could wipe it away.


"Bloody hell!"


Sirius' cry was high and breathless. Remus smiled around his prick, fingers driving deeper inside Sirius and curling just so. The resulting moan seemed to goad Marlene out of her shock.

"S-sorry...I thought...order meeting..."

The door slammed.

"You planned this, nghh..." Sirius groaned, hips bucking up wildly as he came. "...didn't you?"

"She was oblivious." Remus sat back and wiped his hand across his lips. "I fixed that."


"Nice arse, Professor Lupin."

Remus stared over Sirius' shoulder into the mirror reflecting the Weasley twins.

Fred whistled. "And, crikey, Sirius, nice--"

Remus cleared his throat loudly. "Wasn't the door locked?"

George held up a slim piece of metal and grinned. "Muggle lock pick. Opens anything. Ever seen one?"

"No," Sirius finally spoke, though it was more of a growl. "But I've a knife that can do the same. If you're not out of here in two seconds, I'll make sure you have a really good look at it."

Title: (In)Sufficient Warning
Author: dragon-gypsy
Summary: “Tie on the door means don't come in!”

Remus was trying very hard to stay quiet, but it was a rather difficult task as Sirius had one hand down his pants and the other in his mouth. They had frozen in this position as soon as they heard the door to the dorm open.

“Are you wanking again, Sirius?” Peter's voice asked from the other side of the curtains that blocked the rest of the room from view.

Feeling a little spiteful for being interrupted, Remus ran his tongue over Sirius' fingers and grabbed at his crotch just as he was trying to answer. “N-no,” Sirius gasped, then glared down at the boy beneath him.

The hangings twitched open and Peter appeared. “Then why'd you-Oh.” He stared, wide-eyed, at the two on the bed. “Oh...” His eyes shifted to their hands. “Oh.”

“Don't act all oblivious, Petey!” Sirius yelped, jerking into a sitting position and moving his hands a safe distance away from Remus. “There was a tie on the door! Tie on the door means don't come in!”

“Normally the tie just means you're wanking. I didn't think it'd mean you were...” Peter trailed off and looked away from Remus.

For his part, Remus really wanted to just sink into the mattress and disappear. “Peter, do you think you can, oh I don't know, just close the hangings for a moment?” He covered his face with his hands and tried very hard to squash any lingering raging hormones, though Peter's presence had quite effectively killed the mood.

Title: Wrong Fairytale
Author: thesiriusmoon
Summary: Remus couldn’t remember when he started watching Sirius sleep.
Contains: Snuggling

Remus couldn’t remember when he started watching Sirius sleep. Probably somewhere between being betrayed and falling in love... Or was that between stupidity and realization? No matter. All that mattered was that since they’d kissed Sirius pressed hard into the wall and his hands everywhere and if this is was what he was afraid of then he was an idiot he couldn’t stop staring.

Sirius shifted slightly, breath ghosting out between his slightly parted lips, and Remus felt his heart turn over. It probably wasn’t normal to love someone this much at his age. He was supposed to be footloose and fancy free, or whatever the kids were calling it these days As if he wasn’t one of the kids, but what did age have to do with it, really, and when had he ever been a kid...

Remus tried to turn his brain off while Sirius slept on, oblivious to the turmoil he was putting his Boyfriend? Lover? Merlin, now he sounded like a bleeding fairy... friend in.


Remus looked down into Sirius’ sleepy eyes and smiled.

“Hey yourself, Sleeping Beauty.”

“Does that make you the Beast?”

Remus laughed softly.

“Accurate description, wrong fairy tale.”

Sirius growled “Sexy beast, more like.”

“Erugh, that’s horrible. And wildly untrue.”

Sirius didn’t say a word, just leaned over and kissed him.

Neither one of them heard the door open, or Peter’s stunned gasp. But they both heard James’ crow of triumph.

“Hah! That’s ten galleons you owe me Pete! Pay up!”

Title: Discovered
Author: huntingsnarks
Summary: The world is oblivious; Remus is not.

Sirius was oblivious to the world.

Remus could tell this by the fact of those hitching gasps. He could tell from the way his hands clenched at irregular, thrilling intervals. Mostly, he could tell by the fact that those gasps and hands kept hitching and clenching for a good ten seconds after Remus stilled and tried to pull away.

Horror far outweighing his amusement, he tried again. Sirius growled and pressed a persuasive knee forwards, but Remus refused to give in.

“Sirius. Sirius. Stop it, won’t you?”

He stopped. He scowled. He stapled Remus back against the wall by the wrists. “What?”

“Listen! Someone’s outside.”

“I’ve got you now!” roared that someone, and it was all Remus could do not to melt away in terror. He was no coward; Godric Gryffindor himself would have felt much the same if on the verge of being found out by Argus Filch.

Without missing a beat or releasing Remus, Sirius pushed off across the room. They’d barely ducked behind the teacher’s desk when the door was thrown open. There stood Filch, eyes gleaming with triumph.

“Found you!”

Bending, he scooped up a dark shape that Remus hadn’t seen. “There you are, my sweet.”

Mrs. Norris’ eyes were fixed on their cupboard. As Filch started for the door, she yowled and slashed a paw in their direction, but the caretaker did no more than croon.

He was oblivious, thank Merlin - and Remus was pinned to the desk before Filch had even shut the door.

Title: The Cover-up
Author: xinqii
Summary: Sirius may have forgotten to mention it.
Contains: pre-relationship Moony and Padfoot :(

It was the fourth time that week that Sirius climbed into Remus's bed with his book and a roll of parchment when Remus felt compelled to say something.

"Hey, Padfoot," Remus said, glancing up. "Nice to see you here again."

"It's not my fault NEWT year comes with so much bloody work," Sirius muttered without looking up. He was already dutifully scribbling away at his parchment, ostensibly writing the essay for Slughorn; Remus suspected that it was the last of his dirty limericks about the Hufflepuff sixth years.

"Hey, Padfoot," Remus repeated. "Padfoot."

"Yes, Moony-pie?"

"Don't you feel that James has been treating us weird lately?"


Remus scowled. "You spend all day with him, and he's not being subtle about it."

"Nope," Sirius repeated cheerfully. He frowned down at his paper, crossing out several lines angrily, and Remus kicked him.

"Stop playing oblivious, Padfoot. What have you done this time?"

"I've done nothing. I'm just sitting here, trying to work on my Potions assignment, and I'm being harassed-"

Remus kicked him again.

Sirius huffed, finally looking up. "If you must know," he said, with a long-suffering sigh, "Elliot may have alluded to James that I had a girlfriend and may have insinuated that her name was Lily Potter. And I may have used your name to convince James otherwise. Purely self defense, I say-"

He was wearing a sheepish look now. "That's okay, isn't it?"

Remus smirked. "Only if you explain to my mum why she isn't getting grandkids."

Title: Tradition
Author: danikos_realms
Summary: Harry and Ginny want to get married traditionally.
Contains: Fluff.

* * *

If there was something Remus prided himself on, it was his self-control; compared to his inner-madness, jealousy should have been child’s play to deal with. It wasn’t, though.

“We’ll need two lovers to perform the ritual,” Molly said, distressed. “I have no idea where we’re going to find them.”

“Why can’t we use Ron and Hermione?” Harry asked, hand tight around Ginny’s.

Arthur explained, “We need two people who are already magically bound - a couple.”

“Then why not you and Molly?”

Arthur shook his head sadly. “We’re the bride’s parents, Harry.”

Harry looked disheartened, and Sirius slung an arm over his shoulders. Sirius was intentionally sexy most of the time, but was oblivious to how gorgeous he looked when he showed he seriously cared. It was something Remus hadn’t seen since Sirius’s escape from Azkaban, and missed dearly.

“Who’s magically bound these days, anyway?” Sirius joked, but his eyes darted towards Remus, as if telling him it was his choice to speak up or not. As if he was ashamed to mention it himself.

For Harry, Remus said, “Sirius and I can do it.”

Harry’s head snapped up at him, jaw agape, and the Weasleys exchanged confused looks. Sirius’s eyes gleamed as they fixed on Remus’s. “We were seventeen and foolish,” he explained. “Never regretted it, though Moony here might have.”

“I thought you were mad at me for not trusting you,” Remus confessed, transfixed by Sirius’s glowing smile. He beamed. Suddenly, he was much happier for Harry and Ginny.

Comments are screened. Please include both the number and title of your favourite and least favourite fic in your vote. That's one OVERALL favourite and one OVERALL least favourite, not per team. Participants, you are encouraged to vote, but please don't vote for your own drabble.

Reveals and results will be posted Wednesday, 16th February.

Happy Reading! :)


week one, drabbles, round two

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