outsiders baby and we suein the courts.

May 15, 2005 06:45

Well the outsiders is finnaly over. That was alot of work by everyone, and just when all of us got so good at this thing that it was almost perfect, its over. Well thats the way school plays work i guess. Anyway i had fun and i am glad that i have already realized that life goes on and sadly so do the people in it. The only story you will ever know the very end to is your own... I though of that when i was meditating one day and it seemed like a true philosphy. But you shouldn't dwell on the past, and i will come back and visit all my peeps from this thing. Ryan, i know ur gonna miss grabbin my ass and me gayly rubbin ur shoulders. Hardy, remember those simpler times at the youth center? i will play you a few games of pool this summer before i go. Denmen, ahhh good old matso fatso! just kiddin dawg. You are the most laid back person i know, so don't ever change that. Brad, thanks for keepin your act together and always being in position at least 5 minutes early. Stevee, i will still see you in class, and i will come back next year to watch you when u have the lead role in a school play! ;) Megan, are thos bruises real? Sean, stop smoking, you'll live longer and u won't smell like lysol. ;) Jeremy, how many 7-11 runs did we make? alot, anyway keep every one in line next year in tech ok? Joey, every middle school girl is now jealous of my because i got to hug ya and give ur muscles a squeeze! ;) Josh, buck up buddy it'll be next year before ya know it! Tim, god damn you stink. at least i got you back with some farts of my own! Remember that corn dog? ;) Mr. Calkins, as far as meltdowns go, you did pretty well, thanks for giving me so much responsibility and trust this year. And nicole. ahhh yes nicole. U will have to get me free tickets to your first las vegas acting job. Remember me when u are famous, and even when your not. ;) I guess this was our last show together, and probably the funnest. Don't cry though, cuz life truly does go on and time heals all wounds, and what done is done. don't dwell on the past, look to the future.!! love ya all and i hope one way or another you all get to read this sometime... -Carl
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