Aug 30, 2005 13:05
Good Lord. I burned the hell outta the palm of my hand on a cigar ash last night. Big ass chunk of burning cigar residue and I lean on it. I'm smart. It hurts like an MFer. So I have this nasty lookin' thing in the middle of my hand. Man it hurts. Next time I'm lookin' before I put my hand anywhere. Geez. So yeah...had my first college test last night. I made a 100. I so totally rock, lol. Thus far, except for math, I'm proving to be "intellectual" enough for college. Now if I could only garner enough common sense to keep from burning myself on my own cigar ashes...I'd be set. Anyhow. I have to go do two chapters on some porn art (Mollepe? or something...homeoerotic art...ooooooh) to keep Jabba the Hut (my art teacher*) happy.
Common sense was
Never my strong suit