Jan 10, 2005 21:14
I was reading some of my old books I used to read when I was little. and todays title came from Roger Pogers upside-down day. i got to thinking about those poor tsunami survivors today. There have been people on the news looking for parents, brothers, daughters, husbands sisters, sons, friends... I can't even imagine. being on vacation and losing everyone in waves. I don't know if I've ever told you this. but i'm deathly afraid of waves. that seems really stupid. but lookit how many people just died! it's just I'm so small and waves are so big and powerful. I feel silly for telling you that. I just thought it was relevant. and it made me think and pray in the car because somewhere in Indonesia some lady is holding on to her only baby left out of six in a house where everything is covered in mud. and she doesn't have a blanket. and theres no telling when the medicine and food will get there. and she just has to wait. because she doesn't know where anyone is. and it's dark. and if she can just hold her baby she knows she has something. something ya know? but. if she doesn't get food and medicine and water. oh water. if she can't get that soon. she might not have anyone. can you even imagine having to worry about that? Donald Miller explains it so well in his book Blue Like Jazz that I'm reading. he talks about the Congo and how there are so many problems there and he says " As the images moved across the screen I would lie in bed feeling so American and safe, as if the congo were something in a book or a movie. It is nearly impossible for me to process the idea that such a place exists in the same world as Portland" that makes sense. you do feel safe and American this is what I thought as I sat in my car on my way home from practice. I can't imagine what the Indonesian woman would think of me. in my nice clean pair of pants. which I have several of. where the only concern I have is where I should go to get dinner because I have money in my wallet. and I'm upset because my car that I don't have to pay for isn't all in one piece. boo. hoo. and I can go home to a full fridge and a house with heat and showers and know that my family is ok. how lucky are we? how often do we stop and thank God for how much we have. This country is so amazing that we get to experience all this. and public school. we complain because we have to go but that indonesian woman, she wants her son to learn about the world. I bet she wishes there was a school like Clyde Campbell where she lives. there are so many things we take for granted. I'm gonna stop because I'll get into everything. I feel like I can see everything tonight. and it's all so wonderful and overwhelming and it makes me heavy and sleepy. and maybe you've had enough.
Reminder: Wednesday night at 6:30 at LR is the last home meet. BE THERE OR BE A LOSER!!!