Back at HQ

Nov 19, 2003 00:44

Moz paced her headquarters again. It was becoming a habit lately. It had taken a while to disperse the crowd after leaving the Mall. Everyone was going to be watching now to see what happened. They'd want to attack the Mall if the gates weren't opened. She knew better than to expect that. The gates would be open soon enough, if not that day then the next. The important thing was the doubts that had been seeded about the Mallrat's ability to care for the city, and about whether they cared for anyone else in the city or not.
But it was the Mallrats' reaction that surprised her the most. They'd treated the other tribes as enemies without any real reason. The tribes had come to make demands, not attack. Okay, a chanting mob didn't exactly look friendly, but it wasn't as if they'd arrived with torches and pitchforks. Why were the Mallrats so edgy? They weren't living in the days of the Locos anymore. She supposed the kidnappings had made them suspicious. Moz wondered who was to blame for them.
"Hey, why so serious? We just struck a blow against the Mallrats - this should be a party." Riz mentioned, taking a seat.
"What were Kay and Terri up to?" Moz asked her, sitting down across from her.
"Placing the blame on the little psycho?" Riz suggested.
"As much as I hate to agree with her - Amber is right, Little Miss Psycho can't be to blame. Why were they so hooked on throwing her in the cage?"
"Kay always did get her kicks in the strangest ways." Riz shrugged.
"And Terri?" Moz asked pointedly. Riz frowned. "Exactly...they're our ex-vidheads. Cloe is one of the Mallrats'."
"You think they might still be messing up VR and reality?"
"I think we better keep an eye on them." Moz answered.
Riz nodded, turning away to hide her smile. Sometimes even she forgot that Moz was more talk than action. She was good at threats, but more than not those threats were never followed through.
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