Properly LJ-ing: Christmas updates

Dec 23, 2010 20:58

I figure the few of you who are my friends on LJ would want to know, since I barely post at all xD

Well the past few days have been hectic, but fun. We were roped into choir obligations for Christmas. Weddings, mall singing, Simbang Gabi (midnight masses) and some such. Today was the only day in three weeks I've had just lounging around the house. I'm head wrapper, so even that's moot ;P But no complaining.

Yesterday, myself and my friends went to take care of puppies and kittens, then kill zombies in a L4D2 marathon. We didn't get to take care of the puppies and kittens officially, but we still got to play with some cats. And L4D2, well, dear god.

My mom went all out on the Christmas decor. Heheh. You should see our house. Someone should shoot a movie here.

Updates on my communities in LJ:
~Finished my Young Marvel Heroes fic exchange
~Finishing my promised drawings of---> 1) Dark Avengers dress up, 2) Daken and Laura with puppies, 3) OC and Daken. I did promise.

life, gayreign, christmas, x-23/laura kinney, daken

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