Having been on the cheater side of a relationship, sometimes it's honestly just a mistake that you can NEVER take back. I know who Darren cheated on Ashley w/...and maybe he was just being an ass and can't be trusted, but it doesn't mean all guys are like that. You shouldn't blame the girl he cheated on Ashley w/ though..she just went along w/ it. And I wouldn't be too sure about Jeffrey...
Umm...I KNOW about Jeffrey, thanks VERY much...and I don't blame the girl. Wait...I wouldnt blame the girl if it had been the FIRST time...this is the SECOND time that it has happened, and the girl that did it used to be a very good friend of mine, and I was just surprised, thats all...was this Sami or Steve that I should be talking to...?
I dont know if I made that very clear...I KNOW what Jeffrey has done in the past...and we have talked about it and I forgive him. This is the second time that Darren has done this to Ashley with the same girl....I was just a little surprised...
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