(no subject)

Aug 30, 2011 17:11

Summer's winding down. God, why does summer do that?
I feel like I haven't really done a whole lot, but then, after much consideration, I realize - yeah, I did have a pretty good summer.
I mean, on the whole, the past couple of summer's have been categorized by where I went. Last summer I headed up to England, the summer before that was a roadtrip over to Pine Falls, Manitoba, the summer before that... Christ, I don't remember. But the one before that (isn't reminiscing fun?) was my trip to Scotland and Ireland.
What I'm trying to get at (or convince myself of at any rate) is that I did have a good summer, even if I didn't jet off to some mysterious location. And so what if I didn't? I had a reasonably good time! I saw more of Canada, which is always lovely, as this country is so goddamn large I can never get enough.
And I saw some friends, met new ones, saw a David Tennant lookalike at the FanExpo in Toronto, had a Doctor Who marathon, went camping with my dad, got a tan! (probably the most astounding one of them all), bought some new music, fell in love with Arthur Weasley again, watched the new HP movie, got some arm muscle, made promises to be a better person and gave good wishes to an amazing friend who just got of the plane from India and is now taking NY by storm.

You treated me pretty darn good summer. I hope I gave you the same thrill.


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