
Dec 24, 2013 22:39

in one and a half hours it will officially be christmas, which is the best news ever. it's been an absolute mess here for the pass couple of days - a massive ice storm wiped out most of the trees on my street and has left many people i know without power - so it's a bit of a count your blessings kind of week.

i had dinner tonight with my family, my sister's boyfriend (fresh off the plane from calgary), and a family we're close with, who haven't had any power since sunday. we had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, the whole shebang, and it was really lovely. really nice.

the break is very much needed at the moment. my birthday's coming up soon (10 days!) which should be fun, and i've already got new years plans stacked up, and a christmas party on the 27th, and i'm still buzzing from seeing beyonce on the 14th (she was everything i could hope for and more). basically, life is going okay right now, and i'm really glad for that. school is getting dull and a little awful but friends are fun and even though i'm a bit all over the place (and maybe sort of have a crush on my friend who is a girl and it's awful????), i think this will be good. good for me. i hope it's good for you too.

things to accomplish: university applications, get a tattoo, read the general in his labyrinth, write a 5k original story, memorize lucky's monologue from waiting for godot, finish the big bang tomlinshaw fic, try and finish my tgbbo!au, and maybe that one i just started (so much fic, so little time not spent procrastinating!!)

merry christmas all! and if you don't celebrate christmas, then i wish you the very best last-week-of-december and hope you are smiling :)

christmas!, personal

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