Jan 02, 2006 21:29
23 days left till I'm gone for San Antonio. I'm really looking forward to being in the Air Force.
My stepmother took us to see Memoirs of a Geisha yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Except for the whole love story part of it. It made me want to wretch. However, it was gorgeously filmed and wonderfully told. Unfortunately, it seems that every book I want to read gets made into a movie. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the one just mentioned. Luckily I was able to read each one before I saw the movie with the exception of Memoirs.
Then today I went into the gym twice. Once this morning for a brisk run on the track for half an hour I was able to run the whole time and was very pleased about that. Then this evening, I went back for some lite strength training and a quick mile run. The run this evening took about 8 minutes, once again, an achievement that I'm rather pleased about. I need to find a way to reward myself between now and the 24th without the use of food as said reward. Hm, what to do what to do?
So tell me...are movies getting worse? or is it just me? This new movie Hoodwinked looks to be a real snore for the ages. Looks like they pulled all the stops in stealing from every other pop-culture defining "film" (I'm obviously using the term for the excrement lightly).
That aside and returning to my literary pursuits, I'm currently in the process of reading the sequel to Eragon: Eldest. Once I'm done with that I'd like to get a copy of Memoirs of a Geisha and after that maybe Gone with the Wind. Who knows? Oh yea I just remembered that I just got a copy Anne Rice's Violin.
Well I think I'm done here have a good nite y'all!