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Mar 25, 2007 19:42

Well, last night was...interesting! lol. I've been exhausted all day, taking quick naps every once and awhile. I have a headache that is finally starting to go away. Trying to finish an essay the day after a party at a strip club just doesn't work out too well. ;)

My girlfriend, Lee, cooked an elaborate feast for everyone at her apartment. We all pigged out and drank some martinis. I opened my presents (got more "Sex and the City" DVD's) and then we headed out to Remington's. We got to the club around nine so it was still fairly quiet. My friends made me wear a pink tiara and I had a pink sash that said Birthday Girl. As soon as the manager of the club saw it was my birthday he made us sit up front, right next to the stage. Very up close and personal. lol. I had a few Killer Koolaides and an Amaretto Sour, which were just so yummy. It was so nice not having to think about school for a few hours.

It's funny, I hadn't been to a strip club in awhile. You feel kind of pervy at first because you don't know where to look. But once you get comfortable in the seedy atmosphere, it's golden. lol. I was pulled onstage by one of the dancers and he gave me a lap dance in front of EVERYONE! haha. My friends were beyond amused. A few of us put money in our shirts and had the boys take it out with their teeth. I did a body shot off another guy and one of my friends got up and danced with one of them. It was all in good fun. We chatted with quite a few of them as they wandered around the room. One in particular was our favourite (you should have seen him work the pole!) and we found out he was actually a psychology major. It's crazy the part time jobs some people have.

All in all, it was a fantastic night of laughing and drinking. We finally left around two in the morning and I made my way to bed around 3:30. Definately one of the best birthday parties I've had in ages.

strippers, drinking, dancing, remington's, birthday

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