(no subject)

Mar 24, 2007 17:26

Well, tonight is my birthday party. I have to leave in about an hour! I'm really exciting about de-stressing. Only a couple more weeks of school, three exams and then I'm off for summer break. It's so close, yet so far. But today is for celebration only! It's a Girl's Only party and for those of you who live in Toronto and know you're strip clubs (boys, not girls, lol) will know a place called Remington's. I will be there. With a drink. Enjoying myself. Totally mellow...or tipsy...haven't decided yet. ;) lol.

The only thing that brought me down a bit is the fact that yesterday one of my closest friends cancelled on me. Why? Because her boyfriend suddenly said he wasn't comfortable with her going to a strip club. That would be all fine and dandy if he'd told her that a MONTH ago when I originally invited her. But to do that the day before my party is just shitty. So, I'm mad at him. I'm irritated at her for agreeing, though. She should have said she was coming anyway. Or, at least that's my opinion. What do you guys think? I mean, boys go to strip clubs all the time and expect their girlfriends to be fine with it so why is it an issue the other way around? I'm so glad I'm single! I make my own rules. *ends rant*

In other news, did you guys hear that they (some historian people) are going to exhume Harry Houdini's body to try and determine if he was poisoned or not. Isn't that incredible that we know have the technology to see if a man was murdered over eighty years ago? As a history buff I must say it's beyond fascinating. I can't wait to find out what they've learned.

Like my pretty new Jimmy Dean icon? rroughmagic made it for me! Thanks again! :)

strippers, harry houdini, history

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